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English-German translation for: boys'
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Dictionary English German: boys'

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boys' {adj} [attr.]Jungen- [für od. von Jungen]
network [e.g. old boys' network]
Seilschaft {f} [Clique, informelle Interessensgruppe]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. boys' choirKnabenchor {m}
educ. boys' classJungenklasse {f}
cloth. boys' clothes {pl}Jungenkleidung {f}
cloth. boys' clothingJungenkleidung {f}
boys' dormitoryJungenschlafsaal {m}
educ. boys' formJungenklasse {f}
sports boys' gymJungenturnen {n}
sports boys' gymnasticJungenturnen {n}
boys' homeJungenheim {n}
boys' homeJungenwohnheim {n}
boys' home [institutional housing and care]Knabenheim {n} [veraltet]
boys' hostelJungenwohnheim {n}
boys' namesJungennamen {pl}
educ. sports boys' PE [physical education]Jungensport {m}
educ. sports boys' PE [physical education]Jungenturnen {n}
boys' schoolJungenschule {f}
educ. boys' schoolKnabenschule {f} [geh.] [veraltet]
cloth. boys' trousers [more than one pair]Jungenhosen {pl}
boys' uniformJungenuniform {f}
3 Words: Nouns
educ. boys' boarding schoolJungeninternat {n}
boys' changing roomJungenumkleidekabine {f} [größerer Raum]
boys' living communityJungen-WG {f}
boys' living communityJungen-Wohngemeinschaft {f}
boys' living groupJungenwohngruppe {f}
boys' living groupJungen-Wohngruppe {f}
boys' locker roomJungenumkleidekabine {f} [größerer Raum, bei Sportstätte, in Schule]
boys' locker roomJungenumkleideraum {m} [bei Sportstätten, in Schulen]
boys' night out [Br.] [fig.] [men's night out]Männerabend {m}
boys' residential groupJungenwohngruppe {f}
boys' residential groupJungen-Wohngruppe {f}
cloth. educ. boys' school uniformSchuluniform {f} für Jungen
mus. cathedral boys' choirDomsingknaben {pl}
old boys' network [Br.]Klüngel {m} [ehemaliger Schüler, alter Freunde, usw.]
mus. Vienna Boys' Choir {sg}Wiener Sängerknaben {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
boys' flat-sharing communityJungen-WG {f}
boys' flat-sharing communityJungen-Wohngemeinschaft {f}
list of boys' namesJungennamenliste {f}
spec. textil. men's and boys' outerwearHAKA {f} [Herren- und Knabenoberbekleidung, Abk. für Herren Anzüge Knaben Anzüge]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film RadioTV F Boys' Night Out [Michael Gordon]Sexy! (Männer gehören an die Leine) [Filmtitel nur: Sexy!]
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A 2015-01-17: Big boys' toys
A 2008-03-27: +boy's choir+ geht nicht, weil ein Knabe keinen Chor bilden kann - also we...
A 2008-03-27: boys / boys' band
A 2007-07-24: Agree with Tina; 'old boys' network' is a case in point, but not the whole story
A 2006-11-15: PS: boys' clothes
A 2006-10-24: boys' choir / boys choir
A 2006-10-24: boys' choir / boys choir
A 2006-10-24: boys' choir
Q 2006-10-24: Boys' Choir oder Boy's Choir
A 2004-06-19: old boys' networks

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