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English-German translation for: braking
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Dictionary English German: braking

Translation 1 - 50 of 112  >>

English German
NOUN   braking | -
VERB  to brake | braked | braked
braking | brakes
Bremsen {n}
tech. braking
Abbremsen {n} [allgemeiner Vorgang]
Abbremsen {n}
Bremsung {f}
2 Words: Others
automot. when braking {adv}beim Bremsen
2 Words: Nouns
phys. (braking) decelerationBremsstrahlung {f}
absolute brakingmaximale Verzögerung {f}
automot. phys. tech. blended brakingüberlagerte Bremsung {f} [gemischtes Bremsen]
tech. braking abilityBremsvermögen {n}
tech. braking actionBremswirkung {f}
braking action [also fig.]Bremsmanöver {n} [auch fig.]
automot. braking bandBremsband {n}
tech. braking behavior [Am.]Bremsverhalten {n}
tech. braking behaviour [Br.]Bremsverhalten {n}
tech. braking characteristicBremskennlinie {f}
electr. tech. braking chopperBremschopper {m}
tech. braking circuitBremskreis {m}
electr. braking circuitBremsschaltung {f}
electr. braking controllerBremsschalter {m}
mining braking conveyorBremsförderer {m}
tech. braking currentBremsstrom {m}
tech. braking curveBremskennlinie {f}
phys. rail braking curveBremskurve {f}
braking decelerationBremsverzögerung {f}
braking distanceBremsabstand {m}
tech. braking distanceBremsstrecke {f}
braking distanceBremsweg {m}
electr. tech. braking durationBremszeit {f}
tech. braking effectBremseffekt {m}
braking effectBremswirkung {f}
automot. braking energyBremsenergie {f}
tech. braking engineBremstriebwerk {n}
tech. braking equipmentBremsausrüstung {f}
tech. braking equipmentBremsausstattung {f}
tech. braking factorBremsfaktor {m}
automot. braking factorBremskraftverhältnis {n}
tech. braking forceBremskraft {f}
tech. braking gearBremsausrüstung {f}
automot. braking gearBremsgang {m}
braking growlBremsrubbeln {n}
braking hopBremssprung {m}
automot. traffic braking marks {pl}Bremsspur {f}
naut. braking maskBremsschild {m} [Stapellauf]
automot. braking performanceBremsverhalten {n}
automot. tech. braking performance {sg}Bremseigenschaften {pl} [Leistung]
tech. braking plateBremsschild {n} [Trommelbremse]
tech. braking plateBremsträger {m}
braking powerBremskraft {f}
tech. braking powerBremsleistung {f}
tech. braking powerBremsvermögen {n}
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A 2017-10-10: Other methods of braking are +sideslipping+ and +(ski) pole riding+
A 2016-02-02: No Google evidence for +non-braking unwinding+ or +non-braking unrolling+
A 2016-02-01: Possibly +non-braking unwinding/unrolling.+
A 2016-01-25: braking... :-)
A 2013-01-12: kinetic / braking energy recovery
A 2012-11-08: +Come to a standstill+ would be possible, but that could involve braking, ...
A 2010-11-15: The importance is in braking or maintaining control.
A 2010-01-11: Possibly also +reverse braking+ - see below
A 2009-06-07: advance activation / advance braking
A 2009-06-05: Braking with your left foot, (like rally drivers)
A 2009-06-05: left-foot braking
Q 2007-11-07: Recuperate braking energy
A 2005-12-09: braking reaction time = Einfallzeit der Bremse
A 2005-04-12: suggest braking and stability programs
A 2005-02-13: braking action or brake application
A 2004-01-07: Bremsband - braking band

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