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English-German translation for: branches
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Dictionary English German: branches

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NOUN   a branch | branches
VERB  to branch | branched | branched
branching | branches
Zweige {pl}
Äste {pl}
Filialen {pl}
bot. branches {pl}
Geäst {n}
branches {pl}
Astwerk {n}
comp. branches
Branches {pl}
Niederlassungen {pl}
Fachgebiete {pl}
Verzweigungen {pl}
Teilgebiete {pl}
branches {pl}
Gezweig {n} [geh.]
MedTech. branches [of a forceps]Blätter {pl} [einer Geburtszange]
branches {pl}Gezweige {n} [geh.]
branches {pl}Zweigwerk {n} [eines Baumes]
2 Words: Verbs
for. hort. to cut branchesÄste stutzen
2 Words: Nouns
aborted branchesverkümmerte Zweige {pl}
dead branchestote Zweige {pl}
dent. dental branches [Rami dentales]Zahnäste {pl}
esot. earthly branchesErdzweige {pl} [Astrologie]
maple branchesAhornäste {pl}
ornamental branches [fir branches]Schmuckreisig {n}
overhanging branches {pl}Baumüberhang {m}
for. hort. overhanging branches {pl}Überhang {m}
anat. pterygoid branches [Rami pterygoidei]Rami pterygoidei {pl} [Zweige an Musculus pterygoideus lateralis und medialis]
anat. VetMed. subendocardial branches [Purkinje fibers]Purkinje-Fasern {pl}
anat. VetMed. subendocardial branches [Purkinje fibers]subendokardiale Fasern {pl} [selten]
anat. VetMed. Tawara branches [left and right bundle branch]Tawara-Schenkel {pl}
bot. thallus branchesThallusäste {pl}
bot. tree branches {pl}Baumgeäst {n}
bot. willow branchesWeidenäste {pl}
3 Words: Others
clear of branchesohne Zweige
through bank branches {adv}über Bankfilialen
with many branchesweit verzweigt
3 Words: Verbs
hort. to prune off branchesZweige ausschneiden
bot. for. to shoot forth branchesÄste treiben
3 Words: Nouns
branches of businessGeschäftszweige {pl}
branches of economyWirtschaftszweige {pl}
branches of industryBetriebszweige {pl}
comm. branches of tradeHandelszweige {pl}
branches of tradesWirtschaftszweige {pl}
bot. cherry (tree) branches {pl}Kirschgeäst {n}
dried out branchesvertrocknete Zweige {pl}
comm. network of branchesFilialnetz {n}
for. hort. pest-damaged branchesÄste {pl} mit Fraßschaden
anat. three main branches [Nervus trigeminus]drei Hauptäste {pl}
4 Words: Others
available at all branches {adj}in allen Filialen erhältlich
available at all branches {adj} [postpos.]in allen Filialen verfügbar
available at all branches {adj} [postpos.]verfügbar in allen Filialen [nachgestellt]
4 Words: Nouns
branches of military servicesTeilstreitkräfte {pl}
5+ Words: Others
bibl. quote I am the vine, you are the branches [John 15.5] [New King James]Ich bin der Weinstock, ihr seid die Reben. [Johannes 15, 5] [Luther]
5+ Words: Nouns
for. heap of twigs and branchesWiedhaufen {m} [österr.] [bayer.]
bibl. parable of the vine and the branchesGleichnis {n} vom Weinstock und den Reben
comm. reduction in the number of branchesFilialsterben {n}
supporting structure of willow branchesWeidengerüst {n}
med. varicosis of lateral saphenous branchesNebenastvarikose {f}
med. varicosis of lateral saphenous branchesSeitenastvarikose {f}
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A 2024-08-21: Hahaha! That would require all branches of the law to have a hyphen!
A 2016-12-12: USB sticks are great to use — with utmost care. There are civil service br...
A 2015-04-16: a tree with many branches
A 2015-03-07: +Chopping wood+ would be making large pieces of wood (tree trunks or large...
A 2014-04-29: yes, that's what I think. Thus "branches out into ... etc."
A 2014-04-29: a starting ramp which branches into a choice of three skiing slopes with d...
A 2014-03-09: Three branches
Q 2014-03-09: branches
A 2013-06-05: Spartengewerkschaft > trade union representing specific professional branc...
A 2013-03-05: Suggestion: Wiedhaufen (Bayern, Österreich) > heap of twigs and branches
A 2012-05-31: At present, our staff comprises 587 persons and we have 22 branches all over GB.
A 2011-11-21: he pointed out that local level branches which possibly just had nothing ...
A 2010-06-05: varicosis of lateral saphenous branches
A 2010-01-07: I say, Sir K - not the whole story? Large trees render wood for building o...
A 2009-12-31: administration and court house (historically and nowadays holding offices ...
A 2009-09-22: "surrounding branches" ist aber kein Wirtschaftsenglisch.
A 2009-07-14: branches ... ?!
A 2008-12-05: but XX is the umbrella club and *respectively* is referring to its regiona...
A 2008-10-16: for our branches?
A 2008-07-24: in two branches of Italian philology

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