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English-German translation for: brandy
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Dictionary English German: brandy

Translation 1 - 50 of 78  >>


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NOUN1   a brandy | brandies
NOUN2   brandy | -
VERB  to brandy | brandied | brandied ... 
NOUN   der Brandy | - [Flüssigkeit]/die Brandys [Portionen; Sorten]
gastr. brandy
Weinbrand {m}
gastr. brandy
Branntwein {m}
gastr. brandy
Kognak {m}
gastr. brandy
Geist {m}
gastr. brandy
Brandy {m}
gastr. brandyCognac {m} [Weinbrand]
2 Words: Nouns
(brandy) distilleryWeinbrennerei {f}
gastr. aniseed brandyAnis {m} [kurz für: Anisschnaps]
gastr. aniseed brandyAnisschnaps {m}
gastr. apple brandyApfelbranntwein {m}
gastr. apricot brandyAprikosenschnaps {m}
gastr. apricot brandyMarillenbrand {m} [österr.]
gastr. blended brandyWeinbrandverschnitt {m}
gastr. brandy balloonCognacschwenker {m}
gastr. brandy beanWeinbrandbohne {f}
brandy blossomSchnapsnase {f}
brandy bottleCognacflasche {f}
brandy bottleSchnapsflasche {f}
brandy breath [coll.]Cognacatem {m} [selten] [auch: Cognac-Atem]
brandy breath [coll.]Cognacfahne {f} [ugs.]
gastr. brandy butterWeinbrandbutter {f}
gastr. brandy chocolateWeinbrandbohne {f}
brandy distilleryBranntweinbrennerei {f}
brandy flaskSchnapsflasche {f}
gastr. brandy glassCognacschwenker {m}
brandy glassKognakglas {n}
gastr. brandy glassSchwenker {m} [kurz für: Kognakschwenker]
gastr. brandy neatunverdünnter Branntwein {m}
gastr. brandy punch [cocktail]Feuerzangenbowle {f}
gastr. oenol. brandy snifterCognacschwenker {m}
gastr. oenol. brandy snifterKognakschwenker {m}
gastr. oenol. brandy snifterWeinbrandschwenker {m}
gastr. brandy vinegarBranntweinessig {m}
gastr. cherry brandyCherrybrandy {m}
gastr. cherry brandyKirschenlikör {m}
gastr. cherry brandyKirschlikör {m}
gastr. cherry brandyKirschwasser {n}
gastr. cherry brandyCherry-Brandy {m}
gastr. corn brandyKornbranntwein {m}
pharm. French brandy [Spiritus vini gallici]Franzbranntwein {m}
gastr. fruit brandyFruchtbrand {m}
gastr. fruit brandyObstwasser {n} [Obstbrand, Obstler]
gastr. fruit brandy [e.g. German schnaps, kirsch]Obstbrand {m} [z. B. Kirschwasser]
gastr. juniper brandyWacholdergeist {m}
gastr. neat brandyunverdünnter Branntwein {m}
gastr. peach brandyPfirsichbrand {m}
gastr. pear brandyBirnenbrand {m}
gastr. pear brandyBirnengeist {m}
gastr. pear brandyBirnenschnaps {m}
gastr. plum brandyPflaumenschnaps {m}
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A 2019-03-27: ? Edelbrand > beer brandy
A 2010-08-19: I take "Wein-Branntweinessig" as a mixture of both wine vinegar and brandy...
A 2008-06-30: farmer's brandy
A 2007-03-06: that's a wine, Kornelius, don't get irritated just because I mentioned brandy
A 2007-03-06: Wie wär's mit brandy? :-)
A 2006-09-16: CherryGost - sic! hiccup! - his suggestions seem to be inspired by lashing...
A 2005-10-27: beverages containing liquor (not just brandy)
A 2005-10-27: beverages containing brandy

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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