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English-German translation for: breadth
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Dictionary English German: breadth

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
NOUN   breadth | breadths
SYNO   breadth | width | comprehensiveness ... 
Breite {f}
breadth [wide range]
Umfang {m} [fig.]
Größe {f}
Bedeutung {f} [Bandbreite]
Weite {f}
Quere {f} [ugs.] [meist nur in Wendungen]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. cloth. chest breadthBrustbreite {f}
finger's breadthFingerbreit {m}
ecol. habitat breadthHabitatbreite {f}
hair's breadthHaarbreit {n}
hair's breadthHaaresbreite {f}
hair's breadthHaar breit {n} [Rsv.]
hand's breadthHandbreit {f}
ecol. niche breadthNischenbreite {f}
overall breadthGesamtbreite {f}
educ. subject breadthFächerbreite {f}
anat. thorax breadthBrustbreite {f}
3 Words: Nouns
a hand's breadthBreite {f} einer Hand
comp. breadth first searchBreitensuche {f}
breadth of marketMarktbreite {f}
breadth of mindAuffassungsgabe {f}
breadth of mindGeistesgröße {f}
breadth of viewGröße {f} des Ausblicks
comp. math. breadth-first search <BFS>Breitensuche {f}
half-breadth planWasserlinienriss {m}
4 Words: Others
by a hair's breadth {adv}haarscharf
by a hair's breadth {adv}ganz knapp
by a hair's breadth {adv} [idiom]um Haaresbreite [Redewendung]
to a hair's breadth {adv}ganz genau
to a hair's breadth {adv}aufs Haar genau
within a hair's breadth {adv}haarbreit
within a hair's breadth {adv}um ein Haar
within a hair's breadth {adv}um eine Haaresbreite
4 Words: Nouns
breadth across the shouldersSchulterbreite {f}
breadth of the chestBrustumfang {m}
breadth of working spaceArbeitsraumbreite {f}
5+ Words: Others
bibl. quote Walk through the length and the breadth of the land.Zieh / zeuch durch das Land die Länge und Breite.
5+ Words: Verbs
to escape death by a hair's breadth [idiom]dem Tod (nur) um Haaresbreite entgehen [Redewendung]
to miss sb./sth. by a hair's breadthjdn./etw. um ein Haar verpassen
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A 2016-12-26: +unheard of in [AE]+ How can a single contributor cover the length, breadt...
A 2014-12-14: "hand's breadth" sounds odd
A 2014-12-14: he brandished his sword at him, stopping (it) a hand's breadth short of hi...
Q 2014-02-20: Inside, a hall runs the breadth of the building
A 2009-10-29: curious, how very samey all these variants are --- she came within a hair'...
A 2009-07-07: height / width (oder breadth)/ depth geht natürlich auch...
A 2009-04-28: three times I escaped death by a hair's breadth
A 2009-04-22: Depth not breadth ?
A 2008-06-24: Ich würde "breadth of knowledge" nehmen.
A 2007-05-25: @Allan. I don't think so. I was aware of the breadth possibility.
A 2006-08-04: depth and breadth of the grooves
Q 2006-05-17: finger-breadth
A 2006-03-23: breaDth perhaps?

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• breadth
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breadth first search
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breadth of market
breadth of mind
breadth of the chest
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breadth of working space

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