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Dictionary English German: breaking

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NOUN   a breaking | breakings
VERB  to break | broke | broken
breaking | breaks
SYNO   break | breakage | breaking
breaking {adj}
breaking {adj} {pres-p}
Einbruch {m}
Öffnen {n}
Ausschalten {n}
Abschalten {n}
Brechen {n}
Bruch {m} [das Brechen, Vertrag, Eid, Gesetz, Abkommen]
hydro. phys. breaking [e.g. waves, symmetry]
Brechung {f} [z. B. Wellen, Symmetrie]
agr. hort. breaking [ploughing / plowing]
Umbruch {m} [Ackerboden, Erdreich]
breakingBeugung {f} [von Stolz , Starrsinn]
dance sports breaking [dance style]Breaking {n} [Tanzform]
2 Words: Others
ankle-breaking {adj}knöchelbrechend [den Fußknöchel brechend]
back-breaking {adj}erdrückend
back-breaking {adj} [work]ermüdend [erschöpfend]
back-breaking {adj} [work]erschöpfend
back-breaking {adj} [work]mörderisch [z. B. zermürbende Arbeit]
back-breaking {adj} [work]zermürbend
bone-breaking {adj}knochenbrechend
breaking down {adj} {pres-p} [drooping, passing out]schlappmachend [ugs.]
breaking forth {adj} {pres-p}hervorbrechend
breaking forth {adj} {pres-p}losbrechend
breaking ineinbrechend
breaking off {adj}abbrechend
breaking openaufbrechend
breaking out {adj}ausbrechend
breaking throughdurchbrechend
breaking upaufhackend
ground-breaking {adj}bahnbrechend
journ. late-breaking {adj}brandaktuell
mould-breaking {adj} [Br.] [fig.]noch nie da gewesen [Redewendung]
mould-breaking {adj} [Br.] [pioneering]völlig neu [bahnbrechend]
path-breaking {adj} [esp. Am.] [fig.]bahnbrechend
record-breaking {adj}Rekord-
record-breaking {adj}rekordbrechend
med. resistance-breaking {adj}resistenzbrechend
taboo-breaking {adj}tabubrechend
2 Words: Nouns
breaking (up) [scrapping]Abwracken {n}
breaking (up) [scrapping]Abwrackung {f}
electr. breaking capacityAbschaltstrom {m} [Ausschaltvermögen]
electr. breaking capacityAusschaltstrom {m} [Ausschaltvermögen]
electr. breaking capacityAusschaltvermögen {n}
electr. breaking currentAbschaltstrom {m}
electr. breaking currentAusschaltstrom {m}
breaking downAbbrechen {n}
tech. breaking force [e.g. rope]Bruchkraft {f} [z. B. Seil]
tech. breaking in [engine]Einlaufprozess {m} [Motor]
breaking in [esp. shoes]Einlaufen {n} [bes. Schuhe]
tech. breaking lengthReißlänge {f}
tech. breaking lineBruchlinie {f}
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A 2024-09-18: Eine Möglichkeit: breaking
Q 2020-01-12: What does "breaking rapport" mean?
A 2019-10-19: A nation tried to (the) breaking point
A 2017-12-14: We're talking about Saul "Better Call Saul" Goodman here, right? Right out...
A 2017-07-12: recall after repeatedly breaking the rules of one's probation
A 2017-07-12: UK: recall after breaking the rules of one's probation again
A 2017-01-23: If it refers to an old scar breaking open, it would imply fury and rage go...
A 2016-10-23: I took Abschied to mean that one of them was leaving, not that they were b...
A 2016-08-24: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22Ice-breaking+day%22 (?)
Q 2015-11-27: ... after being convicted of break and entry. [ [variant of breaking and e...
A 2015-08-09: After that the National Assemlby started breaking up to the point when a r...
A 2015-06-18: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22without+breaking+a+sweat%22+meaning
A 2015-05-08: current events / breaking news
A 2015-03-24: breaking out
Q 2015-03-24: Breaking Out in Song/ Dance
Q 2015-01-22: parents hit breaking points
Q 2014-11-25: Breaking Change
Q 2014-08-15: Some grammar rules are made for breaking
A 2014-05-14: @ Breaking Bad fans:
Q 2014-05-14: Breaking Bad fans?

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