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English-German translation for: breaks
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Dictionary English German: breaks

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NOUN   a break | breaks
VERB  to break | broke | broken
breaking | breaks
NOUN   das/der Break | die Breaks
sth. breaks
etw. bricht
sb. breaks [interrupts]
jd. unterbricht
2 Words
med. A gathering breaks.Ein Geschwür bricht auf.
mus. chemical breaks [beat]Chemical Breaks {pl}
admin. fin. tax breaksSteuererleichterungen {pl}
admin. fin. tax breaks [Am.] [coll.]Steuerprivilegien {pl}
3 Words
A wholesaler breaks bulk.Ein Großhändler packt Ware kleiner ab.
That's the breaks. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [Such is life.]So ist das Leben.
The voice breaks.Die Stimme bricht.
The voice breaks.Die Stimme wechselt.
Them's the breaks. [Am.] [Aus.] [coll.] [Such is life.]So ist das Leben.
breaks of journeyFahrunterbrechungen {pl}
4 Words
It breaks my heart. [idiom]Es bricht mir das Herz. [Redewendung]
provided with fire breaks {adj} [postpos.]abgeschottet [Feuerschutz]
The sky breaks through. [clouds]Der Himmel bricht durch. [Wolken]
Those are the breaks.So ist es nun mal.
Those are the breaks. [coll.] [Such is life.]So ist das Leben.
tech. check for breaks, tears, ...Kontrolle {f} auf Bruch, Risse, ...
bike sports cyclist who breaks awayAusreißer {m}
sports runner who breaks awayAusreißer {m}
5+ Words
All hell breaks loose here. [coll.] [idiom]Hier sind die Puppen am Tanzen. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He breaks a fly on the wheel. [idiom]Er schießt mit Kanonen nach Spatzen. [Redewendung]
The program will include several breaks. [Am.]Im Programm sind mehrere Pausen vorgesehen.
to provoke sb. until a row breaks outjdn. so lange ärgern / reizen, bis die Puppen tanzen [ugs.]
the (last) straw that breaks the camel's back [idiom]der (letzte) Tropfen {m}, der das Fass zum Überlaufen bringt [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Missouri Breaks [Arthur Penn]Duell am Missouri
lit. F When The Bough Breaks [Jonathan Kellerman]Blackout
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A 2021-05-03: @Windfall: very odd, your text doesn't show any line breaks, and therefore...
A 2017-09-20: Clad in the present, the past reveals itself and breaks the ultimate seal
Q 2017-05-24: breaks
A 2016-07-11: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22experiment+breaks+new+ground%22&start=40
A 2014-07-21: commercial breaks
A 2014-06-09: ubuntu - Line breaks: u|buntu - Pronunciation: /ʊˈbʊntʊ + audio on the dic...
A 2013-05-30: scheduled stopovers / breaks
A 2012-01-31: Be back on time after breaks.
Q 2012-01-31: No schedule timing of breaks
A 2012-01-06: season breaks .... also common ....
Q 2011-12-29: "the right breaks"
Q 2011-10-12: afternoon breaks and greenhouse gases (context needed)
A 2010-12-17: usually when it breaks
A 2010-11-09: "unanständig" is anything that breaks the rules of "Anstand"
A 2010-04-27: LINX http://www.dict.cc/?s=straw+that+breaks
A 2009-12-29: he breaks into a broad smile
A 2008-11-20: Ich bleibe bei "breaks" - es googelt einfach viel besser!
A 2008-11-20: I'd say *breaks* - and maybe you could ring your dentist and ask her/his o...
A 2008-11-20: "breaks" doesn't need a further preposition, "rips" needs an "apart", I think.
A 2008-11-20: breaks oder rips ?

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break sb.'s fall
break sb.'s head

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