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Dictionary English German: bricks

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN   a brick | bricks/brick
VERB  to brick | bricked | bricked
bricking | bricks
Ziegel {pl}
toys bricks
Bauklötze {pl}
toys bricks
Bausteine {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
ind. to burn bricksZiegel brennen
constr. to lay bricksmauern
to lay bricksvermauern
to shit bricks [vulg.] [idiom]sichDat. vor Angst in die Hose scheißen [vulg.] [Redewendung]
ind. to stove bricksZiegel brennen
2 Words: Nouns
toys (building) bricksBauklötzer {pl} [ugs.]
toys building bricksBauklötze {pl}
toys LEGO® bricksLEGO-Steine {pl} [LEGO®]
constr. refractory bricksfeuerfeste Steine {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to pile up bricksZiegel aufschichten
3 Words: Nouns
toys box of bricksBaukasten {m}
box of bricksBausteinkasten {m}
constr. hand-made bricksHandstrichziegel {pl}
toys small plastic bricksKunststoffklötzchen {pl}
stack of bricksStapel {m} Ziegel
toys wooden bricks / blocksHolzbausteine {pl}
4 Words: Others
Bricks retain the heat.Ziegel halten die Wärme zurück.
4 Words: Verbs
to block up with bricksmit Ziegeln zumauern
idiom to make bricks without strawZiegel ohne Stroh machen [ohne ausreichende Mittel an die Arbeit gehen]
4 Words: Nouns
bricks and mortar businesskonventionelles Geschäft {n} [Gegenstück zum Internetshop]
constr. bricks embedded in mortarin Mörtel gelegte Ziegel {pl}
constr. refractory lining (with bricks)feuerfeste Ausmauerung {f}
5+ Words: Others
proverb Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house.Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll / sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen.
sb. is hit by sth. like a ton of bricks [Am.] [coll.] [fig.]jd. wurde von etw.Dat. (total) umgehauen [ugs.] [fig.]
proverb You can't make bricks without straw. [Br.] [coll.]Wo nichts ist, kann auch nichts werden.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be a few bricks short of a load [idiom]nicht (mehr) alle Tassen im Schrank haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be like a cat on hot brickswie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen
to come down on sb. like a ton of bricks [coll.]jdm. eine / eins reinwürgen [ugs.]
to come down on sb. like a ton of bricks [coll.] [idiom]jdn. zur Schnecke machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
RealEst. to invest in bricks and mortareine Immobilie erwerben
fin. RealEst. to invest in bricks and mortarin Immobilien investieren
5+ Words: Nouns
toys box of toy building bricksBaukasten {m}
econ. market. bricks / brick and mortar <B&M> businesses [esp. Am.][traditionelle Unternehmen im Gegensatz zu New-Economy-Unternehmen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Bricks and Mortality [Ann Granger]Asche auf sein Haupt
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A 2020-12-13: Auch Legosteine sind +bricks+. Nicht nur gebrannte Ziegel.
Q 2020-10-16: thick bricks of bars of soap
Q 2017-08-17: loose bonding of bricks
A 2016-07-14: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22lego+bricks+and+pieces%22
A 2016-07-14: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22lego+bricks%22
Q 2011-11-06: to call red bricks
A 2011-02-10: Can't agree. In the U.S., "bricks and mortar" never points to "real estate...
A 2011-02-10: @ romy - brickS and mortar
A 2010-04-20: I'll come down on him (like a ton of bricks)
A 2009-04-26: http://www.dict.cc/?s=to+shit+bricks
Q 2009-04-26: when you see it you'll shit bricks
A 2009-02-15: My quote is a variant I used to illustrate the general drift of the expres...
A 2008-03-23: glass bricks or glass blocks
A 2007-12-13: No.1 brick manufacturers. 'No.1 in bricks' heißt ihr habt die größten Trot...
A 2007-12-13: 'building with bricks' can be a bit dodgy since brick = depp, while 'built...
A 2007-12-13: Always a step ahead in building with bricks
A 2007-11-10: hearts and bricks, minds and mortar http://www.hud.gov/news/focus.cfm?con...
A 2006-09-12: translatosaurus gibt Übersetzungen ins Amerikanische (creek) und Britische...
A 2005-09-13: ... I am like a cat on hot bricks / I am on tenterhooks and do not know ...
A 2005-05-11: paving stones or paving bricks, maybe?

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