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English-German translation for: bridge-head
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Dictionary English German: bridge head

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NOUN   a bridge-head | bridge-heads
SEE ALSO  bridgehead
mil. bridge headBrückenkopf {m}
mil. bridge-headBrückenkopf {m}
bridge-headLandekopf {m}
Partial Matches
mus. bridgeBridge {f} [charakteristischer überleitender Formteil in Jazz, Pop und Rock]
electr. alternating current bridge <AC bridge>Wechselstrombrücke {f}
games bridge [card game]Bridge {n} [Kartenspiel]
film F Waterloo Bridge [Vincent Ward]Ihr erster Mann [Deutschland] / Abschied auf Waterloo Bridge [Österreich]
games contract bridgeKontrakt-Bridge {n}
hist. mil. Battle of Stirling BridgeSchlacht {f} von Stirling Bridge
film F Waterloo Bridge [James Whale] [1931]Waterloo Bridge
tech. flat-head socket head cap screwSenkschraube {f} mit Innensechskant
sports head-to-head recorddirekter Vergleich {m} [in Tabelle]
to go head-to-head [idiom]Kopf an Kopf liegen [Redewendung]
head-to-head {adj}Mann gegen Mann [nachgestellt]
sports to have a better head-to-head recordim direkten Vergleich vorne liegen
head-to-head {adv}Mann gegen Mann
med. Head's / Head zoneHead'sche Zone {f}
constr. harp-bridge / harp bridgeHarfenbrücke {f}
head-to-head {adv} [in a race or competition]Kopf-an-Kopf
comp. multi-head technologyMulti-Head-Technologie {f} [Arbeiten mit mehreren Monitoren]
head-to-head contestKopf-an-Kopf-Rennen {n}
head-to-head raceKopf-an-Kopf-Rennen {n}
med. Head's / Head zoneHead-Zone {f}
jobs head instructorHead-Instructor {m} [auch: Head Instructor]
geogr. Malin Head [Irish: Cionn Mhálanna]Malin Head {m}
med. dropped-head syndrome <DHS>Dropped-Head-Syndrom {n}
We could stop off at the King's Head, that's a halfway house.Wir können im "King's Head" einkehren, das liegt auf halbem Wege.
geogr. Hilton Head IslandHilton Head Island {f} [Insel in South Carolina]
chem. gastr. Carter-Head stillCarter-Head-Brennblase {f}
aviat. dead-head flightDead-Head-Flug {m}
med. Head's / Head zoneheadsche Zone {f}
bot. T
electr. to bridgebrücken
bridgeBrücke {f}
naut. bridgeKommandobrücke {f}
bridgeÜberbrückung {f}
bridgeÜbergang {m}
bridge piercingBridge-Piercing {n}
archi. geogr. Mackinac BridgeMackinac Bridge {f}
electr. bridgeMessbrücke {f} [Prüfgerät]
dent. (dental) bridgeBrücke {f}
automot. absorber bridgeDämpferbrücke {f}
constr. acoustic bridgeSchallbrücke {f}
aviat. aero bridgeFluggastbrücke {f}
archi. constr. arch bridgeBogenbrücke {f}
archi. constr. arched bridgeBogenbrücke {f}
mil. assault bridgePanzerschnellbrücke {f}
chem. azo bridgeAzobrücke {f}
archi. constr. Bailey bridgeBehelfsbrücke {f}
constr. bamboo bridgeBambusbrücke {f}
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