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English-German translation for: brigade
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Dictionary English German: brigade

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NOUN   a brigade | brigades
VERB  to brigade | brigaded | brigaded ... 
NOUN   die Brigade | die Brigaden
mil. to brigade sth. [rare] [form into a brigade]etw. zu einer Brigade zusammenfassen
mil. brigade
Abteilung {f}
Truppe {f}
Brigade {f}
mil. brigade
Korps {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to brigade sb./sth. with sb./sth. [associate]jdn./etw. mit jdm./etw. in Verbindung bringen [assoziieren]
2 Words: Nouns
mil. airborne brigadeLuftlandebrigade {f}
mil. armoured brigade [Br.]Panzerbrigade {f}
mil. artillery brigadeArtilleriebrigade {f} <ArtBrig>
mil. aviation brigade [U.S. army]Heeresfliegerbrigade {f}
mil. brigade commanderBrigadekommandeur {m} <BrigKdr>
FireResc brigade commanderFeuerwehrkommandant {m}
brigade groupKampfeinheit {f}
brigade groupKampfgruppe {f}
brigade groupsKampfgruppen {pl}
bucket brigadeEimerkette {f} [aus Menschen (zum Löschen etc.)]
bucket brigadeFeuerwehrkette {f}
naut. bucket brigadeSchöpfkommando {n} [selten]
hist. mil. cavalry brigadeberittene Brigade {f}
mil. combat brigadeKampfbrigade {f}
comm. doorstep brigadeDrückerkolonne {f}
econ. entrepreneurial brigadeUnternehmerlager {n} [pej.]
FireResc fire brigade [esp. Br.]Feuerwehr {f}
mil. fires brigadeArtilleriebrigade {f}
gastr. kitchen staffweiße Brigade {f} [auch fachspr. für: Küchenpersonal, Küchenbrigade]
labor brigade [Am.]Arbeitsbrigade {f}
mil. naval brigadeMarinebrigade {f}
hist. shock brigadeStoßbrigade {f}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. jobs (restaurant) service personnelschwarze Brigade {f} [auch fachspr. für: Servicepersonal (Restaurant)]
blue rinse brigade [pej.][konservative alte Damen mit lila Haartönung]
mil. brigade combat teamKampfbrigade {f}
gastr. brigade de cuisine [kitchen staff]Küchenbrigade {f}
mil. brigade support battalionBrigadeunterstützungsbataillon {n}
bucket brigade device <BBD>Eimerkettenschaltung {f}
electr. bucket brigade device <BBD>Eimerkettenspeicher {m}
electr. bucket brigade memory <BBM>Eimerkettenspeicher {m}
comp. bucket brigade storeEimerkettenspeicher {m}
bucket-brigade attackMan-in-the-Middle-Angriff {m} <MITM-Angriff>
FireResc fire (brigade) diverFeuerwehrtaucher {m}
FireResc fire (brigade) shedFeuerwehrschuppen {m}
fire brigade chargeFeuerschutzabgabe {f}
fire brigade operation [fig.]Feuerwehraktion {f}
FireResc fire brigade stationFeuerwehrdepot {n}
FireResc fire-brigade operation [esp. Br.]Feuerwehreinsatz {m}
hist. mil. Führer Escort Brigade [WWII German armored brigade]Führerbegleitbrigade {f} <FBB>
hist. mil. Führer Escort Brigade <FBB>Führer-Begleit-Brigade {f} <FBB>
FireResc island's fire brigade [Br.]Inselfeuerwehr {f}
mil. Marine Expeditionary Brigade <MEB> [USMC][Marineinfanterie-Eingreif-Brigade, US-Marine-Korps]
FireResc plant fire brigade [Br.]Werkfeuerwehr {f}
FireResc village fire brigade [Br.]Dorffeuerwehr {f}
FireResc volunteer fire brigade [Br.]freiwillige Feuerwehr {f} <FF, FFW>
jobs work team / group [smallest unit in a production collective]Brigade {f} [DDR]
FireResc youth fire brigade [esp. Br.]Jugendfeuerwehr {f}
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. air defence missile brigadeFlugabwehrraketenbrigade {f} <FRBr> [NVA]
mil. Infantry Brigade Combat Team <IBCT> [U.S. Army]Infanteriekampfbrigade {f} [US-Landstreitkräfte]
FireResc St. John Ambulance (Brigade) [commonly referred to as "die Johanniter" in Germany]die Johanniter {pl} <JUH> [Eigenschreibung „Die Johanniter“]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Charge of the Light BrigadeAngriff {m} der leichten Brigade [auch: Attacke]
RealEst. ground plans for fire brigade useFeuerwehrpläne {pl}
law the hang 'em and flog 'em brigade [pej.] [Br.]die Befürworter {pl} der Todesstrafe
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Angels' Brigade [Greydon Clark] [also: Angels Revenge / Seven from Heaven]Die unschlagbaren Sieben von Las Vegas
film F Zombie Brigade [Carmelo Musca, Barrie Pattison]Brigade des Schreckens
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A 2024-02-19: dict. Eintrag "fire run" ?? I'd say "(firefighting / fire-brigade) ope...
A 2020-03-22: volunteer fire brigade
A 2016-09-25: The Charge of the Light Brigade
Q 2012-01-27: brigade*
A 2010-09-30: It was terror by state, police and fire brigade were as much involved.
A 2010-04-07: Armored Brigade looks ok for AE use - http://www.knox.army.mil/school/194arbde/
A 2009-12-06: Official yodel of the Swiss Fire Brigade:
A 2009-08-09: the entrepreneurial brigade would be the business faction or section in english
A 2009-05-30: ? http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22duty+room%22+%22fire+brigade%2...
A 2009-03-04: The police, fire brigade and ambulance service together are called the eme...
Q 2009-03-03: Satzverständnis - a brigade too far.
A 2009-02-14: Feuerwehr - fire brigade/fire engine
A 2008-08-08: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22mechanisie...
A 2008-05-27: the get-a-chill-a-day brigade ?
Q 2008-04-11: St John Ambulance Brigade
A 2007-12-04: http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozil...
A 2006-09-18: fire brigade/service
A 2006-09-18: Haben nicht beide Recht? to call the fire brigade / department (US) \ to c...
A 2006-09-18: "Call the fire brigade honey, the neighbors got..."
A 2006-09-18: the fire brigade called by neighbours

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