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English-German translation for: broom
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Dictionary English German: broom

Translation 1 - 50 of 148  >>

English German
NOUN   a broom | brooms
VERB  to broom | broomed | broomed ... 
SYNO   to broom | to sweep | Calluna vulgaris ... 
Besen {m}
bot. T
Ginster {m}
Auskehrer {m} [Besen]
bot. T
2 Words: Others
broom-clean {adj}besenrein
2 Words: Nouns
besom (broom)Reisigbesen {m}
birch broomBirkenbesen {m}
birch broomBirkenreisigbesen {m}
birch broomReisigbesen {m} [aus Birkenreisig]
broom brushwoodBesenreisig {n}
furn. broom cabinetBesenschrank {m}
archi. broom closetBesenkammer {f}
furn. broom closetBesenschrank {m}
archi. broom cupboardBesenkammer {f}
furn. broom cupboardBesenschrank {m}
broom handleBesenstiel {m}
bot. broom shrubGinsterbusch {m}
sports broom waggon [Br.]Besenwagen {m}
sports broom wagonBesenwagen {m}
EU broom yellow [RAL 1032]Ginstergelb {n} [RAL 1032]
hist. jobs broom-makerBesenbinder {m}
jobs broom-maker [female]Besenbinderin {f}
sports curling broomCurlingbesen {m}
tools feather broomFederbesen {m}
hand broomHandfeger {m}
tools scavenger broomStoßbesen {m}
tar broomTeerbesen {m}
hist. weapons trench broom [nickname of the German Bergmann MP18.1]Grabenfeger {m} [auch: Bergmann-Kugelspritze] [MPi 18/1]
tools whisk broomHandbesen {m}
tools wire broomDrahtbesen {m}
bot. witch's broomDonnerbusch {m}
bot. witch's broomHexenbesen {m}
witches' broomHexenbesen {m}
biol. witches' broom [symptom of plant disease]Hexenbesen {m} [Symptom einer Pflanzenkrankheit]
yard broom [Am.]Straßenbesen {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to jump the broom [coll.] [idiom] [marry, esp. without benefit of church or law]heiraten [ursprünglich nicht kirchlich, oft auch nicht gesetzlich]
3 Words: Nouns
hand broom gripHandfegerstiel {m}
horse hair broomPferdehaarbesen {m}
horse hair broomRosshaarbesen {m}
engin. tech. push broom scanner(digitale) Zeilenkamera {f}
4 Words: Others
proverb A new broom sweeps clean.Neue Besen kehren gut.
proverb A new broom sweeps clean.Ein neuer Besen fegt gut.
proverb A new broom sweeps clean.Ein neuer Besen kehrt gut.
5+ Words: Verbs
to strike a blow with a broommit einem Besen schlagen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Witch Without a Broom [José Maria Elorrieta]Die Hexe ohne Besen
lit. F The Broom of the System [David Foster Wallace]Der Besen im System
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2015-12-01: Broom hedge?
A 2015-10-04: Original: Good-bye, boys! I'm going to lock myself in the broom closet and...
A 2013-08-23: Seitenbesen - side broom
A 2010-01-19: Yes, it is a broom
A 2010-01-19: Are you sure it's a broom?
A 2008-04-16: Yes, a broom is used to brush.
A 2008-04-16: A broom to me is something big, that would be used to brush floors,
Q 2008-04-16: Can you BRUSH sth. with a BROOM?
A 2004-05-25: A new broom sweeps clean, but
A 2004-04-18: or BROOM THICKET

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