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English-German translation for: brother
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Dictionary English German: brother

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NOUN   a brother | brothers/brethren [relig.]
SYNO   blood brother | brother | brother ... 
brother <bro.>
Bruder {m}
Keule {f} [berlinerisch]
[brother of the brother's or sister's spouse]
Schwippschwager {m} [ugs.]
brother [in trade unions]
Kollege {m} [Gewerkschaft]
relig. Brother ... <Bro.>
Bruder {m} ... <Br.> [Anrede eines Klosterbruders]
[sister of the brother's or sister's spouse]
Schwippschwägerin {f} [ugs.]
brother [also friend]
Atze {f} [selten {m}] [berlin., ugs.]
brother[Anrede unter männlichen Afroamerikanern]
brother [black man] [coll.]Schwarzer {m}
2 Words: Others
Big Brother {adj} [Orwellian]orwellianisch
Oh brother! [esp. Am.] [coll.]Junge, Junge! [ugs.] [genervt]
2 Words: Nouns
adopted brotherAdoptivbruder {m}
adoptive brotherAdoptivbruder {m}
baby brotherBrüderlein {n}
baby brotherkleines Brüderchen {n}
Big Brotherder "große Bruder" [nach George Orwell]
big brother [coll.] [older brother]älterer Bruder {m}
big brother [coll.] [older brother]großer Bruder {m} [ugs.] [älterer Bruder]
biological brotherleiblicher Bruder {m}
birth brothernatürlicher Bruder {m}
blood brotherBlutsbruder {m}
psych. brother complexBruderkomplex {m}
brother german [archaic]leiblicher Bruder {m}
brother nation [fig.]Bruderland {n} [fig.] [geh.]
brother officerOffizierskamerad {m}
agr. orn. brother rooster [esp. when spared from slaughter for ethical reasons]Bruderhahn {m}
brother-german [archaic]Vollbruder {m}
brother-german [archaic]leiblicher Bruder {m}
brother's childBruderkind {n} [veraltet]
brother's daughterBruderstochter {f} [veraltet]
brother's daughterBrudertochter {f} [veraltet]
brother's kissBruderkuss {m}
brother's sonBrudersohn {m} [veraltet]
brother's sonBruderssohn {m} [veraltet]
relig. Carthusian brotherKartäuserbruder {m}
dear brotherBruderherz {n} [veraltend, noch hum.]
dear brotherlieber Bruder {m}
elder brotherälterer Bruder {m}
eldest brotherältester Bruder {m}
Eskimo brother [coll.] [sb. who has the same female sexual partner as sb. else]Lochschwager {m} [vulg.] [hum.] [jd., der denselben weiblichen Geschlechtspartner hat wie ein anderer]
favorite brother [Am.]Lieblingsbruder {m}
favourite brother [Br.]Lieblingsbruder {m}
fellow brotherMitbruder {m}
foster brotherPflegebruder {m}
foster brotherZiehbruder {m}
foster brother [fed by the same mother]Milchbruder {m}
foster-brotherZiehbruder {m}
fraternity brotherBundesbruder {m} [Studentenverbindung]
full brotherVollbruder {m}
full brotherleiblicher Bruder {m}
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Q 2017-07-25: Do not go rubber bones on me, brother
Q 2017-03-21: Me and my brother always had a lot of fun playing it
A 2017-02-24: Trump doesn't drink. His brother died over alcoholism, I think. Not funny ...
Q 2016-11-03: When it comes to my brother We fight
A 2016-08-01: Brother-german is archaic - http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/e...
A 2016-08-01: Ooops! Sorry again: Google: "brother german" meaning
A 2016-04-05: She won't be allowed to go to the concert, unless she takes her brother along.
A 2016-04-04: She +will+ only +be+ allowed to go to the concert if she takes her brother...
A 2015-03-26: Of course/naturally, I took my little brother's side.
A 2015-03-11: Nachtrag: It's the brother / sister of "Firebird"
A 2014-06-24: Drones have already been hyped up as trusty robot companions - part of an ...
A 2014-01-12: Or else: as you can see in my brother / in my brother's case
A 2013-12-12: Good typo - brother :-)
A 2013-10-27: One-eyed: I did not know that goggle boxes can see. But +Big Brother+ may ...
A 2013-09-05: Seminararbeiten auf meiner brother-Reiseschreibmaschine!!! ;)
Q 2013-09-02: sister-kin; brother-kin
A 2013-07-23: My brother and I are agreed on whaling: it is cruel.
A 2013-06-24: Ich wollte my brother has alot of problems and it doesnt affect me sagen.
A 2013-05-26: my dear cosmic brother
A 2013-05-25: cosmic brother

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