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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: browse around these guys
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: browse around these guys

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to browse aroundsichAkk. unverbindlich umsehen [Laden]
zool. to browseabfressen
zool. to browseäsen
comp. to browsebrowsen
to browsedurchstöbern
comp. to browsedurchsuchen
zool. to browsegrasen
to browsestöbern
comp. to browsesurfen
zool. to browseweiden
to browsedarüber hinwegziehen
to browse throughdurchstöbern
to browse throughdurchsuchen
film lit. bad guysBösewichte {pl}
zool. to browse sth.etw. abweiden
zool. to browse leavesBlätter fressen
to browse throughsich hindurchfressen
little guyskleine Leute {pl}
jobs moving guys [coll.]Möbelpacker {pl}
security guys [coll.]Sicherheitsleute {pl}
to browse [books, magazines etc.]blättern
to browse [books, magazines etc.]durchblättern
to browse [books, magazines etc.]herumblättern
to browse [books, magazines etc.]herumschmökern
you guys {pron} [Am.] [coll.]ihr
film camera guys [Am.] [coll.]Kameraleute {pl}
Internet to browse [the internet]im Internet surfen
zool. browse [of cows, goats etc.]Grasen {n}
straight guys [Am.] [coll.]Heten {pl} [ugs.]
guys [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boys, men]Kerle {pl}
frat guys [coll.] [fraternity guys]Verbindungsleute {pl} [Burschenschaft]
the bad guys [Am.] [coll.]die Bösen {pl}
the good guys [Am.] [coll.]die Guten {pl}
to browse [books, magazines etc.]schmökern [ugs.] [durchblättern, querlesen]
bot. browse plants [trees etc. cropped by animals]Äsungspflanzen {pl}
guys [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boys and/or girls]Leute {pl}
you guys {pron} [Am.] [coll.] [direct or indirect object]euch
Are you guys ready? [Am.] [coll.]Seid ihr fertig?
film F The Other Guys [Adam McKay]Die etwas anderen Cops
guys [coll.] [males]Jungs {pl} [ugs.] [auch im Sinne von: Männer]
You guys suck. [esp. Am.] [coll.]Ihr seid scheiße. [vulg.]
Talk to you guys later. [coll.]Wir sprechen uns später.
guys [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boys or men]Burschen {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [Jungs]
lit. F Tough Guys don't Dance [Norman Mailer]Harte Männer tanzen nicht
MedTech. wrap-around artefact [esp. Br.] [aliasing]Wrap-around-Artefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
Cool it, you guys. [esp. Am.] [idiom]Regt euch ab, Jungs. [ugs.]
film F Tough Guys [Jeff Kanew]Archie und HarrySie können's nicht lassen
MedTech. wrap-around artifact [Am.] [aliasing]Wrap-around-Artefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
film theatre F Guys and Dolls [musical: Frank Loesser, film: Joseph L. Mankiewicz]Schwere Jungsleichte Mädchen
idiom guys in the white hats [Am.] [coll.]Freunde und Helfer {pl} [oder auch: Retter in der Not]
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