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English-German translation for: brush
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Dictionary English German: brush

Translation 1 - 50 of 570  >>

English German
NOUN   a brush | brushes
VERB  to brush | brushed | brushed ... 
SYNO   to brush | to sweep | brush | brushing ... 
to brush sb./sth. [touch lightly]
jdn./etw. streifen [leicht berühren]
to brush sth.
etw. bürsten
to brush [paint]
to brush sth. [with a cloth]
etw. wischen [aufwischen]
to brush sth. [on sth.] [paint etc.]
etw.Akk. auftragen [auf etw.] [Farbe etc.]
equest. to brush sth. [horse]
etw. kardätschen
to brush sth.
etw. aufbürsten
Bürste {f}
Pinsel {m}
brush [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ]
Gestrüpp {n}
bot. brush
Gebüsch {n}
brush [broom]
Besen {m}
tools brush [broom]
Feger {m} [Kehrbesen]
Malerpinsel {m}
brushAbtastbürste {f}
zool. T
2 Words: Others
broad-brush {adj}holzschnittartig [fig.]
broad-brush {adj}pauschal [Aussage, Darstellung]
broad-brush {adj}verallgemeinernd
2 Words: Verbs
to brush against sb.mit jdm. zusammenstoßen [leicht]
to brush against sth.an etw. anstreifen
to brush against sth.mit etw.Dat. zusammenstoßen
to brush asidebeiseiteschieben
to brush asideignorieren
to brush awayabwischen
to brush awaywegbürsten
to brush by sb.jdn. im Vorbeigehen leicht berühren [streifen]
to brush downrunterbürsten
to brush down sth.etw.Akk. abbürsten [z. B. seinen Mantel]
to brush offabklopfen [Staub]
to brush offzurückweisen
to brush outausbürsten
to brush pastvorbeieilen
to brush past sb.an jdm. vorbeihasten
to brush sb. offjdn. wegjagen
to brush sth. asideüber etw.Akk. hinweggehen [etw. ignorieren]
to brush sth. awayetw.Akk. wegbürsten
to brush sth. offetw.Akk. wegbürsten [Staub, Schmutz etc.]
to brush sth. off [dust, dirt, etc.]etw.Akk. abbürsten [Staub, Schmutz etc.]
to brush uppolieren
to brush withbestreichen mit
2 Words: Nouns
electr. tech. (carbon) brushMotorkohle {f} [Kohlebürste, Schleifkohle]
electr. tech. (carbon) brushSchleifkohle {f}
art background brushHintergrundpinsel {m}
engin. ind. phys. balance brushReinigungspinsel {m} (für Waagen)
gastr. basting brushBratenpinsel {m}
gastr. basting brushKüchenpinsel {m}
gastr. basting brushMarinierpinsel {m}
cosmet. bath brush [also: bath-brush]Badebürste {f}
art blender brushMischpinsel {m}
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A 2024-03-29: In den USA würden wir auch "scrub brush" dazu sagen.
A 2022-06-10: +Please+ brush up your grammar, Zuchi1!!!
A 2021-12-27: For missing translations, brush up your Christian Morgenstern
A 2015-04-23: The brush system is integrated by grabbing the outer diameter of the rotor...
A 2014-11-13: M-W Unabridged: Beispiel unter brush - transitiv verb
A 2014-11-13: ... and brush the wall liberally.
Q 2014-11-12: brush - streichen (anstreichen)
Q 2010-11-07: to brush up against anything
A 2010-09-05: I don't know. Could it be a lint brush?
A 2010-08-03: "Restbauhöhe" indicates *how* to determine brush wear, so I think it's OK here.
A 2009-11-25: http://www.dict.cc/?s=brush+off
A 2009-11-10: ... said the hedgehog dismounting from the toilet brush
A 2009-06-26: Jimena, it's just sociable chat, responding to your 'brush doesn't sound.....
A 2009-06-26: I'm still thinking about it, though. "brush" doesn't sound really romantic, eh?!
A 2009-06-26: to brush s,o lips/forehead etc. etc. with one's lips
A 2009-06-25: ? brush wiper strip / rail / bar
A 2009-06-25:
A 2009-06-25: maybe: brush sweeper strips
A 2009-04-23: If my children's hair is tangly and I'm trying to brush it,
A 2008-12-13: It is up to you where you want to brush your teeth, maybe even alone in th...

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