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Dictionary English German: bubble

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NOUN   a bubble | bubbles
VERB  to bubble | bubbled | bubbled ... 
SYNO   to belch | to bubble | to burp ... 
Unverified bubble [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: bubble and squeak = Greek person][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Grieche / Griechin]
to bubble
to bubble
blubbern [ugs.]
to bubble
to bubble
gurgeln [blubbern, gluckern]
to bubbleBlasen treiben
to bubbleBlasen werfen
to bubble [drink]perlen [Getränk]
to bubble [gas, water]Blasen bilden [Gas, Wasser]
Blase {f} [Luftblase etc.]
bubble [soap bubble]
Seifenblase {f}
econ. bubble
Aufblähung {f}
bubble [air bubble]
Luftblase {f}
comics bubble [speech bubble]
Sprechblase {f}
bubbleMagnetblase {f}
econ. fin. stocks bubble [economic bubble, speculative bubble, stock market bubble, etc.]Blase {f} [Spekulationsblase, Finanzblase]
2 Words: Others
bubble-free {adj}blasenfrei
bubble-like {adj}blasenartig
bubble-like {adj}blasenförmig
bubble-shaped {adj}bläschenförmig
bubble-shaped {adj}blasenförmig
coarse bubble {adj}grobblasig
fine bubble {adj}feinblasig
2 Words: Verbs
to bubble (away)bullern [ugs.] [kochende Flüssigkeit]
to bubble (up)wallen
to bubble outheraussprudeln
to bubble overüberschäumen
to bubble overübersprudeln
to bubble upaufsprudeln
to bubble upbrodeln
to bubble up [of wallpaper etc.]Wellen schlagen [Tapete]
idiom to burst sb.'s bubblejds. Seifenblase zerplatzen lassen
2 Words: Nouns
(small) bubbleBläschen {n}
air bubbleLuftbläschen {n}
air bubbleLuftblase {f}
air bubbleLuftzelle {f}
gastr. boba (tea)Bubble Tea {m} [auch: Bubble-Tea]
cosmet. bubble bathBadeschaum {m}
cosmet. bubble bathSchaumbad {n} [Badezusatz und Wannenbad]
automot. bubble carKabinenroller {m}
hydro. bubble cavitationBlasenkavitation {f}
phys. bubble chamberBlasenkammer {f}
gastr. bubble chocolate [Am.]Luftschokolade {f}
chem. tech. bubble columnBlasensäule {f}
engin. tech. bubble controlBlasenregelung {f}
dance bubble danceNackttanz {m} hinter Luftballons
cloth. bubble dressBallonkleid {n}
bubble envelopeLuftpolstertasche {f}
bubble formationBlasenbildung {f} [in Flüssigkeiten]
bubble gaugeDruckluftpegel {m}
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A 2015-04-24: Greetings to the bubble dwellers.
A 2015-04-14: bubble
A 2014-03-17: Confirming that "bubble-up" is not a trade name.
Q 2014-03-17: "Bubble-up auger", Eigenname oder wie übersetzt man das? Abgabetermin: 19....
A 2012-09-26: und den allgegenwärtigen Bubble-Tea könnte man mit "Blasentee" übersetzen ...
Q 2012-06-23: to bubble to
Q 2010-06-01: bubble wrap --- which of those words in dixie actually describes the stuff...
A 2009-10-28: AE > stock market bubble
A 2009-10-28: share / stock (US) bubble
Q 2009-08-28: double bubble
A 2009-07-22: I'd say it's a foil with one side bubble wrap, one side that foamy styropo...
Q 2009-06-24: wuselige Garagenfirmen (Kontext > bubble of the dot.coms firms,..)
A 2009-04-01: no, it's just ad-blurb: Your name is good enough to pay with it (that's ho...
A 2008-11-29: Sustained high-level returns and far less stress or risk (sounds like a sp...
A 2007-11-18: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22nitrogen+...
A 2007-11-14: bubble
Q 2007-08-25: Bubble princess???
A 2006-12-07: bubble
A 2006-12-07: a self-centered bubble?
A 2005-05-18: bubble

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