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English-German translation for: buddy
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Dictionary English German: buddy

Translation 1 - 44 of 44


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NOUN   a buddy | buddies
VERB  to buddy | buddied | buddied ... 
SYNO   brother | buddy | chum | crony ... 
buddy [Am.] [coll.]
Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
buddy [esp. Am.] [coll.]
Kamerad {m}
Spezi {m} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
buddy [Am.] [coll.] [male]
Kollege {m} [nicht beschränkt auf Arbeitskollegenkreis]
buddy [esp. Am.] [coll.]
Kumpan {m} [ugs.]
buddy [coll.]
Kumpel {m} [Freund]
buddy [Am.] [coll.] [female]
Kollegin {f} [nicht beschränkt auf Arbeitskollegenkreis]
buddy [Am.] [coll.]
Kollega {m} [hum.] [ugs.]
buddy [esp. Am.] [coll.] [male]
Haberer {m} [Kumpan] [österr.] [ugs.]
buddy [Am.] [coll.] [female]Kumpeline {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
2 Words: Nouns
(girl) buddyBusenfreundin {f}
booze buddy [Am.]Saufkumpan {m}
bosom buddyBusenfreund {m}
bosom buddy [female]Busenfreundin {f}
bike buddy bike [coll.] [side-by-side seating]Compagnionfahrrad {n} [Nebeneinander-Tandem]
bike buddy bike [coll.] [side-by-side seating]Buddy-Bike {n} [auch: Buddybike] [Nebeneinander-Tandem]
sports buddy check [scuba diving]Buddycheck {m} [bei Tauchvorbereitung]
buddy systemVetterleswirtschaft {f} [südd.]
mil. buddy teamBuddy-Team {n}
sports dive buddyTauchpartner {m}
sports dive buddy [female]Tauchpartnerin {f}
drinking buddySaufkumpan {m} [ugs.]
drinking buddyTrinkgenosse {m}
drinking buddyZechbruder {m}
drinking buddyZechkumpan {m}
drinking buddy [female]Zechkumpanin {f}
fuck buddy [sl.] [vulg.][reiner Sexualpartner, ohne Liebesbeziehung]
fuck buddy [sl.] [vulg.]Fickfreund {m} [ugs.] [vulg.]
school buddy [esp. Am.] [coll.]Schulfreund {m}
sex buddy [Am.] [coll.]Sexpartner {m}
3 Words: Others
Bring a buddy! [esp. Am.] [coll.]Bring eine Freundin / einen Freund mit!
3 Words: Verbs
to buddy up with sb. [coll.]sich jdm. anschließen
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. (Velcro®) buddy strap [fingers or toes are strapped together by hook and loop material]Haken- und Flauschband {n} [als Finger- bzw. Zehenschiene]
buddy-buddy-ness [rare]Kumpelei {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
4 Words: Verbs
to be buddy-buddy with sb. [Am.] [coll.]mit jdm. dick befreundet sein [ugs.]
to be buddy-buddy with sb. [Am.] [coll.]mit jdm. ganz dicke sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sehr eng befreundet sein]
to employ the buddy system [Am.] [coll.]aus Sicherheitsgründen Zweiergruppen bilden [um sich ggf. gegenseitig zu helfen]
to use the buddy system [Am.] [coll.]aus Sicherheitsgründen Zweiergruppen bilden [um sich ggf. gegenseitig zu helfen]
5+ Words: Verbs
to try to get buddy-buddy with sb. [Am.] [coll.]sichAkk. bei jdm. anbiedern [pej.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Bubble Buddy [SpongeBob SquarePants]Kumpelblase [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
RadioTV F Buddy Blue [Rainbow Brite]Bubi Blauschuh [Regina Regenbogen]
film F Buddy Buddy [Billy Wilder]Buddy, Buddy
film F Elf [Jon Favreau]BuddyDer Weihnachtself
film F The Buddy System [Glenn Jordan]Biete Muttersuche Vater
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Q 2015-01-07: Can't fault you there, buddy... I'd have to turn in my punk credentials i...
A 2013-05-17: AE: buddy discount
A 2013-05-17: AE: buddy discount
A 2012-08-16: "Buddy" is condescending, but I don't think that means switching to "Du."
Q 2012-08-16: "Buddy" und der Wechsel von du und Sie
A 2012-02-27: You OK, buddy?
A 2010-12-10: Buddy and Vilma Ebsen with Eleanor Powell, all hoofing wonderfully. Buddy'...
A 2010-10-18: buddy, bud, pal, chum, man
A 2010-07-26: "Lemme write that down so I get it straight, buddy" might pass for sarcasm...
A 2010-03-25: Thanks for the correction, buddy.
A 2009-08-17: AE: sandbox buddy
A 2007-11-12: rascal, buddy
A 2007-09-13: in Australia we call them buddy, buddies
A 2007-09-13: well, I asked my youngest and she said buddy.....
A 2007-08-09: Or else: Within the scope of the E study buddy p. at the German Department...
A 2006-11-05: splitting 'airs, ol buddy?
A 2006-06-10: The buddy system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_system)
A 2006-05-20: buddy taping < wenn der Pflasteraspekt vorwiegt, elastic compression banda...
A 2006-05-20: Buddy taping
A 2006-01-31: whoops, soll die Buddy Holly Frage beantworten....

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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