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English-German translation for: budgetary
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Dictionary English German: budgetary

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
ADJ   budgetary | - | -
budgetary {adj}
fin. budgetary {adj}
[den Haushalt betreffend]
budgetary {adj}
budgetary {adj}
budgetary {adj}
budgetary {adj}
2 Words: Nouns
budgetary accountingFinanzplanung {f}
fin. pol. budgetary analysisBudgetanalyse {f}
fin. pol. budgetary analysisHaushaltsanalyse {f} [z. B. des Staatshaushalts]
fin. budgetary assistanceBudgethilfe {f}
fin. budgetary burden {sg}Haushaltsbelastungen {pl}
fin. pol. budgetary committeeHaushaltsausschuss {m}
fin. budgetary comparisonBudgetvergleich {m}
econ. budgetary consolidationHaushaltskonsolidierung {f}
budgetary controlBudgetkontrolle {f} [Haushaltskontrolle]
econ. fin. budgetary controlHaushaltskontrolle {f}
fin. pol. budgetary debateHaushaltsdebatte {f}
fin. pol. budgetary deficitHaushaltslücke {f}
budgetary deficitMehrausgabe {f}
fin. budgetary developmentHaushaltsentwicklung {f} [Budgetentwicklung]
fin. pol. budgetary disciplineBudgetdisziplin {f} [Haushaltsdisziplin]
econ. EU fin. budgetary disciplineHaushaltsdisziplin {f}
fin. pol. budgetary emergencyHaushaltsnotstand {m}
budgetary equilibriumHaushaltsausgleich {m}
fin. budgetary executionHaushaltsvollzug {m}
EU pol. budgetary expenditure [Br.]Haushaltsausgabe {f}
fin. budgetary figuresEtatzahlen {pl} [Budgetzahlen]
budgetary fundsHaushaltsmittel {pl}
fin. budgetary imbalanceHaushaltsungleichgewicht {n}
pol. budgetary implementationHaushaltsvollzug {m}
econ. fin. pol. budgetary instrumentHaushaltsinstrument {n}
econ. fin. budgetary itemBudgetposten {m}
fin. budgetary marginsHaushaltsspielräume {pl}
budgetary mattersBudgetfragen {pl}
econ. pol. budgetary mattersHaushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
econ. pol. budgetary mattersHaushaltsfragen {pl}
fin. pol. budgetary meansHaushaltsmittel {pl} [Geld]
fin. budgetary measuresHaushaltsmaßnahmen {pl}
econ. budgetary measuresbudgetäre Maßnahmen {pl} [österr.]
econ. fin. budgetary paymentsHaushaltszahlungen {pl}
budgetary planningFinanzhaushalt {m}
fin. pol. budgetary policies {pl}Haushaltspolitik {f}
econ. fin. pol. budgetary policyBudgetpolitik {f}
fin. pol. budgetary policyEtatpolitik {f}
fin. pol. budgetary policyHaushaltspolitik {f}
budgetary positionHaushaltslage {f}
budgetary powersHaushaltsbefugnisse {pl}
budgetary powersHaushaltskompetenzen {pl}
budgetary pressureBudgetengpass {m}
fin. pol. budgetary principlesHaushaltsgrundsätze {pl}
fin. pol. budgetary principlesHaushaltsprinzipien {pl}
budgetary procedureHaushaltsverfahren {n}
fin. pol. budgetary process [e.g. process steps to be followed in parliaments]Haushaltsverfahren {n} [z. B. Verfahrensablauf in Parlamenten]
fin. budgetary projectionHaushaltsprojektion {f} [Budgetvorausschau]
comm. EU budgetary purposesHaushaltszwecke {pl}
fin. budgetary reform [of a state]Haushaltsreform {f} [Staatshaushaltsreform]
budgetary restrictionshaushaltsrechtliche Beschränkungen {pl}
fin. law pol. budgetary rulesHaushaltsregeln {pl}
fin. law pol. budgetary rulesHaushaltsvorschriften {pl}
fin. budgetary situationHaushaltslage {f}
econ. pol. budgetary sovereigntyHaushaltshoheit {f}
budgetary stabiliser [Br.]Haushaltsstabilisator {m}
fin. budgetary strategyHaushaltsstrategie {f}
budgetary surplusMehreinnahme {f}
EU fin. pol. budgetary unionFiskalunion {f}
budgetary yearHaushaltsjahr {n}
3 Words: Nouns
fin. remaining budgetary fundsHaushaltsmittelreste {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
EU financial and budgetary provisionsFinanz- und Haushaltsbestimmungen {pl}
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A 2014-04-16: http://www.dict.cc/?s=budgetary+
Q 2014-04-16: budgetary pricing
A 2013-03-05: Wie wäre es mit +Budgetbegrenzung > budgetary limits, budget sequestration...
A 2010-11-28: ... attained if those objectives do not further encourage a one-sided appr...
A 2010-07-19: Official translation (as of 29 July 1994): Law on Budgetary Principles for...
Q 2008-02-24: state budgetary institution
A 2007-10-01: We have switched from cameralistic accounting (governmental budgetary acco...
A 2005-08-12: Perhaps: budgetary positions for individual partial plans ...
A 2005-03-10: Budgetary Law

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