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Dictionary English German: build

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NOUN   a build | builds
VERB  to build | built | built ... 
SYNO   body-build | build | habitus ... 
to build
to build sth. [construct]
etw.Akk. erstellen [bauen, errichten]
to build sth. [create]
etw. bilden [schaffen]
to build
to build
to build
erbauen [bauen]
to build
constr. to build
archi. constr. to build sth.
etw. aufrichten [geh.] [errichten, bauen]
meteo. to buildsich bilden
Statur {f}
Körperbau {m}
build [of a person]
Gestalt {f} [Wuchs]
Bauart {f}
build [physique]
Figur {f} [Körperbau, Statur]
comp. buildBuild {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to build (up)aufbauen
to build aroundherumbauen
to build around sth. [surround]etw.Akk. umbauen
to build barricadesBarrikaden errichten
to build bridges [fig.]Brücken schlagen [fig.]
fin. to build capitaläufnen [schweiz.] [vermehren]
to build characterden Charakter bilden
to build confidenceVertrauen aufbauen
econ. market. to build depth [in multi-level marketing]in die Tiefe arbeiten [MLM]
to build habitsGewohnheiten aufbauen
to build hopesHoffnungen bauen
to build ineinbauen
to build intoeinbauen
to build momentumin Fahrt kommen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to build momentumin Schwung kommen
to build onbauen auf
to build on sb.auf jdn. bauen
to build on sb.sich auf jdn. verlassen
constr. to build on sth.etw.Akk. bebauen [Grundstück]
to build on sth.auf etw. bauen
to build on sth.sich auf etw. verlassen
to build on sth. [fig.]an etw.Akk. anknüpfen [fig.]
to build on sth. [fig.]sich auf etw. stützen [fig.]
to build relationshipsBeziehungen aufbauen
to build sb./sth. upjdn./etw. aufbauen
ling. to build sentencesSätze bauen
to build solidlysolide bauen
to build sth. (up) [mostly a pile of something]etw.Akk. aufwerfen [aufhäufen]
to build trustVertrauen aufbauen
to build upausgestalten [ausbauen: Theorie, Begriff, Methode]
electr. phys. to build upeinschwingen
to build up [gases, toxins, etc]sich anreichern [Gase, Toxine, usw.]
to build up [pile up]sich türmen [Wolken]
to build up [pressure, pain, etc.]zunehmen [Druck, Schmerz, usw.]
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Q 2021-08-17: Kabul embassy that COST 700m to build
Q 2020-08-22: nicht im Wörterbuch: aufführen (eines Bauwerks oder eines Teils davon) - ...
A 2018-08-28: Build up to 1974 world cup by W.Germany
A 2018-08-27: Build up to 1974 world cup by W.Germany
Q 2018-08-27: Build up to 1974 world cup by W.Germany
Q 2016-11-30: Zitat Al Gore zu "carbon build"
A 2016-04-14: Literally, we also have +build-up of debt+
A 2015-10-20: There's a saying for that: To ask what time it is and being told how to bu...
A 2015-10-15: The child must build up assurance of behaviour ...
A 2015-06-19: .... build up my experience. ??
A 2015-06-16: satisfaction / build-up of the hunting drive
A 2015-06-16: satisfaction / build-up of the hunting drive
Q 2015-03-12: Handbuch für Kfz-Wartung Abgabe 18.03.2015 um 8 Uhr - "module build config...
Q 2015-01-01: Build and Be Damned?
A 2014-12-15: Get Rid From Fat And Build Muscle
A 2014-11-30: Build up a tent is understandable (particularly if said by a foreigner :-)...
Q 2014-11-30: build up a tent
A 2014-08-27: the build
A 2014-06-10: (All) our customers...build a single unique home for themselves? Must be crowded
A 2014-06-05: Preferably perhaps +construction time+ as +build time+ may also refer to s...

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