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English-German translation for: built
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Dictionary English German: built

Translation 1 - 50 of 203  >>

English German
VERB  to build | built | built ... 
SYNO   built | reinforced
built {adj} {past-p}
sb. built
jd. baute
built {adj} {past-p}
built {adj} {past-p}
erbaut <erb.>
built {adj} {past-p}
built {adj} [said of persons, e.g. sturdily built]
gebaut [von Personen gesagt, z. B. kräftig gebaut]
built {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [muscular male]
muskelbepackt [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
constr. tech. as-built {adj} [attr.]Ist-
constr. badly built {adj} {past-p}verbaut [schlecht, unzweckmäßig gebaut]
constr. being built {adj} [building]im Bau befindlich [attributiv]
constr. being built {adj} [building] [postpos.](zurzeit) im Bau
archi. constr. brick-built {adj}aus Ziegeln [nachgestellt]
archi. constr. brick-built {adj}mit Ziegeln gemauert
built by [palace etc.]erbaut von
built out {adj}ausgebaut
built overnight {adj} {past-p} [fig.]aus dem Boden gestampft [Redewendung]
built up {adj} {past-p}zugebaut
built-in {adj}eingebaut
built-in {adj}integriert
built-on {adj}angebaut
built-over {adj}überbaut
constr. built-up {adj}bebaut
built-up {adj}zusammengesetzt
built-up {adj} [liquid, hot air, pressure, etc.]aufgestaut
Canadian-built {adj}in Kanada gebaut
constr. clinker-built {adj}geklinkert
constr. naut. clinker-built {adj}klinkergebaut
constr. naut. clinker-built {adj}in Klinkerbauweise [nachgestellt] [Schiffbau]
compactly built {adj} {past-p}kompakt gebaut
custom-built {adj}kundenspezifisch
custom-built {adj}maßgefertigt
custom-built {adj}spezialangefertigt
custom-built {adj}speziell angefertigt
custom-built {adj}nach Kundenwünschen gefertigt
custom-built {adj}nach Wunsch gefertigt
custom-built {adj}auf (die) Kundenbedürfnisse zugeschnitten
custom-built {adj}nach Wünschen des Kunden erstellt
delicately built {adj}zart gebaut
constr. excellently built {adj} {past-p}hervorragend gebaut
flimsily built {adj}unsolide gebaut
foreign-built {adj}im Ausland gebaut
econ. geogr. ind. German-built {adj} [car, ship, aircraft etc.]in Deutschland gebaut [Auto, Schiff, Flugzeug etc.]
econ. geogr. ind. German-built {adj} [product, car etc.]in Deutschland hergestellt
heavily built {adj} [figure]klobig
heavily built {adj} [man]grobschlächtig [pej.] [Mann]
in-built {adj}eigen [zugehörig, charakteristisch]
jerry-built {adj}unsolide gebaut
log-built {adj}aus Holz [nachgestellt]
log-built {adj}aus Holz gebaut
massively built {adj}wuchtig gebaut
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A 2023-08-01: Built to last
A 2023-02-28: Baudenkmalpfleger , Baudenkmalpflege - built heritage conservationist , ...
Q 2022-05-04: birds had built nests from the thatch
A 2020-08-06: ... as large patterns of committed action are built > während großflächige...
Q 2020-08-06: built large patterns
A 2017-11-15: In Wales / UK officially: ´floor built into the slope´ / Also: +ground flo...
A 2016-10-06: For the Olympic kayaking competition, an artificial river with pumps was b...
A 2016-02-02: +Producer of solid built homes+ is not idiomatic.
Q 2016-01-28: Built with a scan beam of 3mm in width from 15 cm away...
Q 2015-04-05: Which or That? -> An application, built on behalf of X, that allows...
A 2014-12-04: cooperation / working relationship built on trust?
Q 2013-07-19: a strapper. Is this a disrespective term for a well-built woman? Is it A...
A 2013-04-07: well-built road
Q 2013-02-19: Built-in Concealed Part Standardization
A 2012-11-26: Probably refers to mansions built in the Gilded Age (1897-1917).
A 2012-11-08: Yes, built on soil drenched with English blood!
Q 2012-10-22: Releasing built-up emotion
A 2012-05-08: Don't quite agree that "property" means it is built.
A 2012-04-13: George Carlin built a comedy routine around those words.
A 2012-01-23: ... are built-in characteristics

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