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English-German translation for: bull
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Dictionary English German: bull

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NOUN1   bull | -
NOUN2   a bull | bulls
VERB  to bull | bulled | bulled ... 
SYNO   Irish bull | bull | bullshit | crap ... 
to bull(vorwärts) drängen
stocks to bullauf Hausse spekulieren
zool. bull
Stier {m}
stocks zool. bull
Bulle {m}
bull [derived from bullshit] [Am.] [vulg.]
Blödsinn {m} [ugs.]
bull [derived from bullshit] [Am.] [vulg.]
Quatsch {m} [ugs.]
comm. bull
Preistreiber {m}
stocks bull
Haussier {m}
bull [derived from bullshit] [Am.] [vulg.]
Unsinn {m}
bull [derived from bullshit] [Am.] [vulg.]
Nonsens {m}
hist. relig. bull [papal edict]
Bulle {f} [päpstlicher Erlass]
bull [derived from bullshit] [Am.] [vulg.]
Scheiße {f} [vulg.]
bull [derived from bullshit] [Am.] [vulg.]
Mist {m} [ugs.]
agr. zool. bullMuni {m} [schweiz.] [Stier]
stocks bullHausse-Spekulant {m}
relig. bullpäpstlicher Erlass {m}
relig. bull [papal bull]päpstliche Bulle {f}
2 Words: Others
bull-headed {adj}starrköpfig
bull-headed {adj} [having the head of a bull]stierköpfig
bull-legged {adj} [coll.] [bow-legged]krummbeinig
bull-necked {adj}dickhalsig [Nackenform]
bull-necked {adj}stiernackig
Bull's eye!Volltreffer!
Bull's-eye! [fig.]Genau getroffen!
2 Words: Nouns
(bull's) pizzle [whip, dog treat, etc.]Ochsenziemer {m}
zool. adolescent bullJungbulle {m}
zool. adolescent bullJungstier {m}
myth. Apis bullApisstier {m} [heiliger Stier d. alten Ägypter]
myth. brazen bull [bull of Phalaris]Messingstier {m} [Stier des Phalaris]
agr. zool. breeding bullMuni {m} [schweiz.] [Zuchtstier]
agr. breeding bullZuchtbulle {m}
agr. breeding bullZuchtstier {m}
hist. bronze bull [bull of Phalaris]Bronzestier {m} [auch: eherner Stier]
zool. Unverified buffalo bullBisonbulle {m}
bull accountHaussekonto {n}
bull arenaStierkampfarena {f}
idiom bull artist [sl.] [pej.] [someone who talks bullshit]Quatschkopf {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
automot. bull barFrontschutzbügel {m}
automot. bull bar [coll.]Kuhfänger {m}
weapons bull barrelschwerer Lauf {m} [eines Gewehrs]
automot. bull bars {pl} [also: bullbars]Bullenfänger {m} [ugs.] [Frontschutzbügel]
automot. bull bars {pl} [also: bullbars]Hirschfänger {m} [Frontschutzbügel]
bull buyingHaussekauf {m}
agr. zool. bull calfStierkalb {n}
agr. zool. bull calvesStierkälber {pl}
bull cookies {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [bullshit]Nonsens {m}
bibl. relig. bull cultStierkult {m}
bull dust [Aus.] [coll.][feiner, alles durchdringender Staub in Australiens Outback]
bull dyke [sl.] [mostly pej.] [aggressive, manly lesbian]Kampflesbe {f} [ugs.] [meist pej.]
zool. bull elephantElefantenbulle {m}
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A 2018-10-11: Bull Terrier
A 2018-10-11: Also, wie schreibt man jetzt "bull terrier" / "Bull Terrier" richtig?
Q 2018-09-17: John Bull und Gesellschafter
A 2018-06-20: bull float
A 2015-06-01: Wie oft hört man die hoffnungsvolle Jugend das +Döschen köstlicher Red-Bul...
A 2013-10-04: http://www.motorsport-magazin.com/formel1/news-111481-red-bull-fuer-olympi...
A 2013-09-12: Das 'Trinkgeld' kann man ja auch mit Cola, Fanta, Sprite oder Red Bull ver...
Q 2013-09-02: bull pen / extra innings
A 2012-10-29: "Starbuck" was also the (short) name of a famous breeding bull.
A 2012-03-04: Gemeindestier = community bull
A 2012-03-03: communal bull
A 2012-02-14: http://www.dict.cc/?s=bull%27s+eye
A 2011-12-16: I know .... ..... a super supper ? "... Bull' supper." ? .... Zwei Hen...
Q 2011-12-16: Bull supper
A 2011-10-23: It's gonna be a bull before it's done = bullshit
A 2011-08-01: http://www.dict.cc/?s=prize+bull
A 2011-06-22: Bull's eye
Q 2011-06-22: a bull’s-eye geographical depiction of lightning strikes
A 2011-04-18: +just under 2%+ - as you suggested - hits the bull's eye, I think
Q 2010-10-15: bull pen

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