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English-German translation for: burned
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Dictionary English German: burned

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
VERB  to burn | burned/burnt [chiefly Br.] | burned/burnt [chiefly Br.] ... 
SYNO   burned | burned-out | burned-over ... 
burned {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. burned
jd./etw. verbrannte
sth. burned
etw. brannte
[they] burned
[sie] brannten
2 Words
burned down {adj} {past-p}niedergebrannt
burned off {adj} {past-p}abgebrannt
burned out {past-p}ausgebrannt
burned up {adj} {past-p}verbrannt
burned-out {adj}ausgebrannt
severely burned {adj} [person]schwerbrandverletzt
archaeo. burned clayverziegelter Lehm {m}
archaeo. burned layerBrandschicht {f}
FireResc med. burned patientVerbrennungspatient {m}
burned smellBrandgeruch {m}
3 Words
sb./sth. has / had burnedjd./etw. hat / hatte gebrannt
burned / burnt corpsesBrandleichen {pl}
burned-down candle [also: burned down candle]heruntergebrannte Kerze {f}
4 Words
to be burned to deathverbrannt werden
to be burned to deathden Flammentod erleiden
to be burned to deathden Flammentod sterben
to get one's fingers burnedsichDat. die Finger verbrennen [ugs.] [(bes. finanziellen) Schaden erleiden]
5+ Words
burned (down) to the ground {adj} [postpos.]bis auf die Grundmauern niedergebrannt
lit. quote Walled up in the earth so steady // Burned from clay, the mould doth stand. [trans. Marianna Wertz]Fest gemauert in der Erden // Steht die Form, aus Lehm gebrannt. [Friedrich Schiller, Das Lied von der Glocke]
to be burned at the stakeverbrannt werden [auf dem Scheiterhaufen]
to sentence sb. to be burned to deathjdn. zum Flammentod verurteilen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Morning in the Burned House [Margaret Atwood]Ein Morgen im verbrannten Haus
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
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Q 2018-04-26: get burned
A 2015-06-03: Coal can be burned more cleanly?
Q 2015-05-12: burned, destroyed and nuked
Q 2014-09-04: being burned
A 2013-11-19: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/burned?s=t
Q 2013-11-19: burned by
Q 2013-08-04: "you just got burned!"
A 2012-05-16: "to be burned out on sth." goes more in the direction of "gave up on this ...
Q 2012-05-16: to be burned out on sth. & Chapter 11
A 2011-06-29: burned is not idiomatic
Q 2011-04-16: AE Expression "Burned Out"
A 2009-06-08: "Christine Daaé has returned / I trust *her* midnight oil is well and trul...
Q 2009-02-24: burned electrical odor
A 2007-10-06: burned: when a case officer or agent is compromised / operative - An intel...
A 2006-11-30: "burned up" is an alternative
A 2006-11-29: I think "The star burned out almost unnoticed." sounds right.
Q 2005-12-29: phases were burned
A 2005-06-27: Maybe something like: Better to be burned out than hushed up
A 2004-10-15: ausgebrannt = burned is also possible

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