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English-German translation for: business goals
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Dictionary English German: business goals

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NOUN   a business goal | business goals
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Partial Matches
goalsKehlen {pl}
sports goalsTore {pl}
goalsZiele {pl}
market. advertising goalsWerbeziele {pl}
jobs career goalsKarriereziele {pl}
competing goalsZielkonkurrenz {f}
conflicting goals {pl}Zielkonflikt {m}
sports goals concededGegentore {pl}
educ. learning goalsLernziele {pl}
organizational goalsOrganisationsziele {pl}
protection goalsSchutzziele {pl}
protective goalsSchutzziele {pl}
to set goalsZiele setzen
ambitious goalsambitionierte Ziele {pl}
ambitious goalsehrgeizige Ziele {pl}
jobs professional goalsberufliche Ziele {pl}
accomplishment of goalsZielrealisierung {f}
change of goalsZieländerung {f}
ecol. pol. climate protection goalsKlimaschutzziele {pl}
conflict of goalsZielkonflikt {m}
definition of goalsZielbestimmung {f}
ecol. environmental protection goalsUmweltschutzziele {pl}
inconsistency of goalsZielinkompatibilität {f}
sports league goals leaderTorschützenkönig {m}
sports away goals rule [football]Auswärtstorregel {f}
pol. foreign policy goalsaußenpolitische Ziele {pl}
sports hunger for goals [football]Torhunger {m}
pol. Millennium Development Goals <MDGs>Millenniumsziele {pl}
short-term goalskurzfristige Ziele {pl}
sports goals tally [of a football player]Torekonto {n}
to achieve financial goalsgesetzte finanzielle Ziele erreichen
sports to struggle for goals [football]Ladehemmung haben [ugs.]
fin. over-the-counter business [esp. Am.] <OTC business>Tafelgeschäft {n}
to strive to achieve one's goalsZiele anstreben
Business-to-Business <B2B>Geschäfte {pl} unter Geschäftsleuten
market. mobile business <M-Business>mobiler Geschäftsverkehr {m}
comm. comp. Internet mobile business developmentM-Business-Entwicklung {f}
sports to score four unanswered goalsvier Tore in Folge erzielen
Set realistic goals for yourself.Setzen Sie sich realistische Ziele.
comm. travel business travelers [Am.]Business-Reisende {pl}
aviat. TrVocab. to fly business classBusiness fliegen
shift in personal goalsÄnderung {f} persönlicher Ziele [auch: ... der persönlichen Ziele]
(in order) to achieve the goals set {adv}zur Realisierung der gesteckten Ziele
They won by three goals to one.Sie haben 3:1 gewonnen.
psych. F Developmental Goals of PsychoanalysisEntwicklungsziele der Psychoanalyse [O. Rank u. Sándor Ferenczi]
sports to have a hand in all three goalsan allen drei Toren beteiligt sein
econ. market. business strategyBusiness-Strategie {f}
cloth. business tieBusiness-Krawatte {f}
electronic businessE-Business {n}
sports We were three goals behind at half-time.Zur Halbzeit lagen wir drei Tore zurück.
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Q 2010-04-28: manager role business goals
A 2008-05-18: business goals?

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