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English-German translation for: business's head
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Dictionary English German: business's head

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Partial Matches
head for businessGeschäftsgeist {m}
jobs head of the businessChef {m} des Unternehmens
bot. T
med. Head's / Head zoneHead-Zone {f}
med. Head's / Head zoneHead'sche Zone {f}
med. Head's / Head zoneheadsche Zone {f}
to put one's nose in other people's business [idiom]seine Nase in die Angelegenheiten anderer Leute stecken [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to stick one's nose in other people's business [idiom]die / seine Nase in anderer Leute Angelegenheiten stecken [Redewendung]
to carry on one's father's businessdes Vaters Geschäft weiterführen
bot. T
bot. T
to put one's head in the lion's mouth [idiom]sich in die Höhle des Löwen begeben [Redewendung]
We could stop off at the King's Head, that's a halfway house.Wir können im "King's Head" einkehren, das liegt auf halbem Wege.
That's women's business.Das ist Frauensache.
How's business?Wie läuft das Geschäft?
baker's businessGeschäft {n} eines Bäckers
carrier's businessRollfuhrdienst {m}
to be sb.'s businessjds. Sache sein
to damage sb.'s businessjds. Geschäft schaden
It's purely business.Es ist rein geschäftlich.
That's my business.Das ist meine Angelegenheit.
That's my business.Das ist meine Sache.
to grow one's businesssein Unternehmen wachsen lassen
to push one's businesssein Geschäft anpreisen
to push one's businesssein Geschäft nachdrücklich betreiben
to understand one's businesssein Geschäft verstehen
to understand one's businessseiner Aufgabe gewachsen sein
ass's headEselkopf {m}
baby's headKopf {m} des Babys
baby's headSäuglingskopf {m}
gastr. calf's headKalbskopf {m}
zool. cat's headKatzenkopf {m}
child's headKinderkopf {m}
death's headTotenkopf {m}
zool. dog's headHundekopf {m}
art girl's headMädchenkopf {m}
orn. goose's headGänsekopf {m}
horse's headPferdekopf {m}
lion's headLöwenkopf {m}
art man's headMännerkopf {m}
myth. Medusa's headHaupt {n} der Medusa [geh.]
myth. Medusa's headKopf {m} der Medusa
gastr. pig's headSauschädel {m} [österr.] [südd.]
pig's headSchweinekopf {m}
gastr. pig's headSchweinskopf {m}
zool. sheep's headSchafkopf {m} [seltener für: Schafskopf] [Kopf eines Schafs]
zool. sheep's headSchafskopf {m} [Kopf eines Schafs]
witch's headHexenkopf {m}
wolf's headWolfskopf {m}
art woman's headFrauenkopf {m}
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