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English-German translation for: buying
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Dictionary English German: buying

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VERB  to buy | bought | bought
buying | buys
SYNO   buying | purchasing
buying {adj}
buying {adj}erkaufend
Kaufen {n}
Kauf {m}
Erwerb {m}
comm. buying
Einkauf {m} [das Einkaufen]
comm. econ. buyingAbnahme {f} [Kauf]
2 Words: Others
buying back {adj}zurückkaufend
buying fromabkaufend
comm. econ. buying-in {adj}Zukauf-
for buying {adv}für den Einkauf
worth buying {adj} [postpos.]preiswert
worth buying {adj} [postpos.]den Kauf wert [nur prädikativ]
2 Words: Verbs
to contemplate buyingden Kauf beabsichtigen
comm. to recommend buying sth.eine Kaufempfehlung für etw.Akk. aussprechen
2 Words: Nouns
(buying) marketBezugsmarkt {m}
bulk buyingGroßeinkauf {m}
bulk buyingMassenkauf {m}
bulk buyingEinkauf {m} unverpackter Ware
bull buyingHaussekauf {m}
buying agencyEinkaufsvertretung {f}
buying agentEinkäufer {m}
buying agentEinkaufsmakler {m}
comm. buying associationEinkaufsgenossenschaft {f}
comm. psych. buying behavior [Am.]Einkaufsverhalten {n}
comm. psych. buying behavior [Am.]Kaufverhalten {n}
buying behaviour [Br.]Einkaufsverhalten {n}
econ. buying behaviour [Br.]Kaufverhalten {n}
comm. buying center [Am.]Buying Center {n}
cloth. comm. buying clothesKleiderkauf {m}
buying clubEinkaufsring {m}
buying conditionsEinkaufsbedingungen {pl}
buying criteriaKaufkriterien {pl}
buying decisionKaufentscheid {m} [bes. schweiz.]
buying decisionKaufentscheidung {f}
buying departmentEinkaufsabteilung {f}
buying desireKaufwunsch {m}
comm. buying experienceKauferlebnis {n}
buying frenzyKaufrausch {m}
publ. buying guideEinkaufsführer {m}
buying habitsEinkaufsgewohnheiten {pl}
buying habitsKaufgewohnheiten {pl}
comm. buying historyKaufhistorie {f}
comm. buying in [at an auction]Einsteigerung {f}
buying inducementKaufanreiz {m}
buying intentKaufplan {m}
buying intentionAnschaffungsabsicht {f} [Markt-/Konsumforschung]
comm. econ. buying intentionAnschaffungsplan {m} [Markt- /Konsumforschung]
buying intentionKaufabsicht {f} [Marktforschung, Konsumforschung]
buying intentionKaufplan {m} [Markt-/ Konsumforschung]
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A 2022-08-18: maverick buying (adj.; gefällt mir jetzt auch besser :-)
A 2021-09-10: no buying from / no contracting with the lowest possible bidder
A 2018-04-18: buying ahead (special offer, sale, action), or: laying down stock
A 2018-04-04: For maximum quality - just when your customers are in buying mood!
A 2016-11-26: und noch eine Frage: Kauftreiber = buying motivators?
Q 2016-05-14: buying habits = Kaufgewohnheit = purchasing habits?
A 2015-03-22: Until you (feel you) can't stop buying cookies and keep buying more and mo...
Q 2012-09-18: Buying A Political Package
A 2012-05-24: Buying this brand's products is a guarantee - is a guarantee for what?
A 2011-05-09: The process of buying the shoes is over and completely in the past, theref...
A 2011-04-04: buying and selling websites
A 2011-02-25: buying products
A 2011-02-25: Another important factor is that money is buying power which produces wast...
A 2011-01-16: markets encourages share buying / makes buying shares attractive
Q 2010-08-04: Buying awareness
A 2010-04-29: take your pick: power current buying/purchasing pool/cooperative/association
A 2010-01-12: some people, when buying a used car, try to impress the seller (usually an...
A 2009-11-14: to be taken over (by the buying public) ?
A 2009-10-04: transfer buying

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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