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English-German translation for: by the book
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Dictionary English German: by the book

Translation 1 - 50 of 48876  >>

by the book {adv}genau nach den Vorschriften
by the book {adv}nach Vorschrift
by the book {adj} {adv}vorschriftsmäßig
by the book {adv} [idiom]nach dem Lehrbuch
by-the-book {adj} [attr.]regelkonform
Keywords contained
strictly by the bookschulmäßig
to go by the booksich streng an die Vorschriften halten
to play by the book [idiom]sichAkk. an die Spielregeln halten
to do things by the booksich an die Regeln halten
to run things by the book [idiom]strikt nach Schema F verfahren [pej.] [Redewendung]
lit. F Murder by the Book [Rex Stout]Orchideen für sechzehn Mädchen
by every trick in the book {adv} [idiom]nach allen Regeln der Kunst [Redewendung]
Partial Matches
proverb Never judge a book by its cover.Beurteile ein Buch nie nach seinem Einband.
to judge a book by its cover [idiom]etwas nur nach seinem Äußeren beurteilen
idiom Don't judge a book by its cover!Zieh keine voreiligen Schlüsse!
proverb Don't judge a book by its cover.Der Schein trügt.
lit. F Everville: The Second Book of "The Art" [Clive Barker]Stadt des Bösen
lit. F The Great and Secret Show: The First Book of "The Art" [Clive Barker]Jenseits des Bösen
to consult the bookim Buch nachschlagen
(the) Good Book(die) Bibel {f}
hist. philos. F The Urantia BookDas Urantia Buch
according to the book {adv}nach Schema F [pej.]
Kindly book the balance.Bitte verbuchen Sie den Saldo.
Pass me the book!Reich mir das Buch!
comm. The book sells well.Das Buch geht gut.
comm. The book sells well.Das Buch verkauft sich gut.
to sign the condolences booksich ins Kondolenzbuch eintragen
to swear on the bookauf die Bibel schwören
bibl. (the Book of) Estherdas Buch {n} Esther
bibl. (the Book of) Ezradas Buch {n} Esra
bibl. (the Book of) Jeremiahdas Buch {n} Jeremia
bibl. (the Book of) Malachidas Buch {n} Maleachi
bibl. (the Book of) Nehemiahdas Buch {n} Nehemia
back of the bookBuchrücken {m} [Rücken des Buches]
beginning of the bookBuchanfang {m} [Anfang des Buches]
print publ. body of the bookBuchblock {m}
book of the BibleBuch {n} der Bibel
hist. book of the worldWeltbuch {n}
copy of the bookBuchexemplar {n} [Exemplar des Buches]
end of the bookBuchende {n} [Ende des Buches]
extract from the bookBuchauszug {m} [Auszug aus dem Buch]
hist. print publ. history of the bookBuchgeschichte {f}
name of the bookBuchtitel {m}
relig. religion of the bookBuchreligion {f}
rights to the bookBuchrechte {pl}
bibl. the (Book of) Psalmsdie Psalmen {pl}
bibl. the Book of Estherdas Buch {n} Ester
bibl. the Book of Jobdas Buch {n} Hiob
bibl. the Book of Jonahdas Buch {n} Jona
bibl. the Book of Psalmsder Psalter {m} [Buch der Psalmen]
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A 2012-02-22: The "safe, secure" is just a redundancy missed by the book's editor.
A 2011-07-06: Could it be the opposite of "by the book" ???
A 2006-06-06: Then "by the book" might be the better possibility?
A 2005-10-31: buchmäßig > as shown by the books, buchmäßiger Gewinn > book profit, buchm...

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