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English-German translation for: c.a.
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Dictionary English German: c a

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NOUN   a C [letter; note] | Cs/C's
mus. coll'arco {adv} <c.a.>coll'arco <c.a.>
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.>präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.>
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal]vor dem Essen [nachgestellt] <v.d.E., ac, AC, a.c.>
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal]vor der / einer Mahlzeit [nachgestellt] <ac, AC. a.c.>
acc. fin. account <acct., a/c>Konto {n} <Kto.>
mus. a capella {adj} {adv}a cappella <a c.>
hist. ante Christum {adv} <A.C.> [rare]ante Christum <a. Chr.>
pharm. ante cibum {adv} <a.c., AC, ac> [before meals]vor dem Essen <v. d. E.>
pharm. before meals {adv}ante cenam <a.c.> [auf Rezepten; vor den Mahlzeiten, vor dem Essen]
med. pharm. before meals {adv} <a.c., AC> [ante cibum]vor den Mahlzeiten <a. c.>
care of <c/o>per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.>
fin. on account {adj} {adv} [payment]a conto <a c.>
tech. A/C compressorKlimakompressor {m}
mus. BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name](Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt]
fin. current account <C/A>Girokonto {n}
math. quadratic formulaa-b-c-Formel {f}
fast as can <f.a.c>schnellstmöglichst
fast as can <f.a.c>so schnell wie möglich
comm. EU stat. not elsewhere classified {adj} <n.e.c.> [customs classification]anderweitig nicht genannt <a. n. g.> [Zolltarifnummern]
educ. to get a Cdie Note 3 bekommen
educ. to get a Ceine Drei / 3 kriegen [ugs.]
air conditioning <a/c> systemLuftkonditionierer {m}
electr. polarized a.c. relay [IEC 60050]gepoltes Wechselstromrelais {n} [IEC 60050]
a/c payee onlynur zur Verrechnung
pol. Unverified All cops are bastards. [pej.] <ACAB, A. C. A. B.>A Kiwara is ka Hawara [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
pol. All cops are bastards. [pej.] <ACAB, A. C. A. B.>Alle Bullen sind Schweine. [pej.]
pol. All cops are bastards. <ACAB, A.C.A.B.>[Polizisten sind Schweine.]
cash against documents (c.a.d.)Kasse gegen Dokumente
pol. Protected A, B or C [Can.] [classified information]VS - Nur für den Dienstgebrauch <VS-Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, VS-NfD> [Geheimhaltungsstufe]
electr. a. c. power controllerDrehstromsteller {m}
law spec. Unverified actio libera in causa <a.l.i.c.> [Latin for: action free in its cause]actio {f} libera in causa <a. l. i. c.> [lat.: in der Ursache freie Handlung]
chem. FoodInd. C.I. acid red 18 [E-124]Cochenillerot A {n} [E 124]
electr. three-phase a.c. motorDrehstrommotor {m}
law United States Code Annotated <U.S.C.A.>[kommentierte amtliche Sammlung der amerikanischen Bundesgesetze]
math. a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>
fin. payment based on provisional assessment [down payment]Akonto {f} <a/c> <a c.> [Akontozahlung]
lit. F The A.B.C. Murders [Agatha Christie]Die Morde des Herrn ABC
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A 2023-12-11: There’s lots of terms in German that have both a Germanic and a borrowed s...
A 2017-08-02: P l e a s e e n t e r v o c a b i n t o d i c t . c c
Q 2016-08-08: The device is well-suited for a wide variety of medical and cosmetic appli...
A 2016-03-29: Not quite. A +humanistic approach+ is not the same thing as a +humanistic ...
A 2015-12-30: dann vielleicht: As a start, here is (just) ABC as one example for XYZ
A 2015-11-04: Perhaps a family term; in US slang, +bean > Hispanic American, Mexican or ...
A 2015-08-29: P l e a s e e n t e r v o c a b i n t o dict.cc
A 2015-08-06: Alternatively: where many speakers declared their commitment to a united, ...
A 2015-05-08: old typestiles c and k
A 2015-02-06: maybe: a simplistic approach (just) on moral terms / driven by (just) mo...
Q 2014-11-19: Is a patently wrong pronunciation in dict.cc acceptable?
A 2013-11-25: Union, a rallying or central point of all the anti-Catholic and anti-Hapsb...
A 2013-09-24: a try with terrific and terrified
A 2013-03-26: Yes, he would. But to me, +richten+ strongly implies a static aiming, neve...
A 2012-12-19: +primitive society+ corresponds quite well to +Urgesellschaft+ - a bogus c...
A 2012-11-24: In Britain, it's traditional to leave something alcoholic and perhaps a mi...
A 2012-06-28: All are ok, but a and c are better.
A 2012-04-23: To sic a dog on someone, but Ivy was quicker.
A 2012-04-21: Thanks for the link, WingDing. Strange, I also had a music association: Pi...
A 2011-08-25: das weiss nur C allein .... - wir können es nicht wissen, da wir nicht wis...

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