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English-German translation for: cable
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Dictionary English German: cable

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NOUN   a cable | cables
VERB  to cable | cabled | cabled ... 
SYNO   cable | cable system ... 
telecom. to cable
to cable
telecom. to cable
to cable
to cabletelegrafisch durchgeben
telecom. to cable sth. [to telegraph]etw. drahten [veraltend] [telegraphieren]
Kabel {n}
electr. telecom. cable
Leitung {f} [Kabel]
cable [metal]
Seil {n} [Metall]
telecom. cable [short for: cablegram]
Telegramm {n} [Überseetelegramm]
tech. cable [for mechanical pulling action, unsheathed]
Drahtseil {n}
naut. cable
Trosse {f}
electr. cable
Zuleitung {f}
Tau {n}
telecom. cable
Depesche {f} [veraltet] [noch diplomatisch]
textil. cable <cab> [knitting]
Zopf {m} [Strickmuster]
telecom. cable [cablegram, overseas telegram]
Überseetelegramm {n}
naut. unit cable [1/10 of a nautical mile, 608 feet, 185.2 meters]
Kabel {n} <kbl>
2 Words: Others
telecom. by cable {adv}telegraphisch
by cable {adv}per Kabel
cable-connected {adj}angeschlossen
cloth. textil. cable-knit {adj}Zopfmuster-
cloth. textil. cable-knit {adj}mit Zopfmuster [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
(control) cableSeilzug {m} [Drahtseele mit Hülle]
tech. (wire) cableDrahtzug {m}
accelerator cableGaszug {m} [Auto]
biochem. actin cableAktinkabel {n}
comp. adapter cableAdapterkabel {n}
additional cablezusätzliches Kabel {n}
electr. RadioTV aerial cableAntennenkabel {n}
aerial cableFreileitung {f}
astronau electr. aerospace cableLuft- und Raumfahrtkabel {n}
aviat. aerotow cableFlugzeugschleppseil {n}
aluminium cable [Br.] <Al cable>Aluminiumkabel {n} <Al-Kabel>
aluminum cable [Am.] <Al cable>Aluminiumkabel {n} <Al-Kabel>
naut. anchor cableAnkerkette {f}
naut. anchor cableAnkerseil {n} [Ankertau]
naut. anchor cableAnkertau {n}
electr. RadioTV antenna cableAntennenkabel {n}
electr. tech. armored cable [Am.]Panzerkabel {n}
electr. tech. armored cable [Am.]armiertes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armored cable [Am.]bewehrtes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armoured cable [Br.]Panzerkabel {n}
electr. tech. armoured cable [Br.]armiertes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armoured cable [Br.]bewehrtes Kabel {n}
armoured cable [Br.]geschütztes Kabel {n}
tech. arresting cableBremsseil {n} [Fangseil]
aviat. arresting cableFangseil {n}
aviat. naut. tech. arrestor cableFangseil {n}
audio cableAudiokabel {n}
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A 2023-09-20: To me a cable car is in the air, suspended from the cable - Seilbahn in AT.
A 2023-09-20: Cable car ist bei uns tatsächlich eine übliche Bezeichnung.
A 2022-01-18: Lengthen the cable. Der Eintrag ist korrekt, siehe GL!
Q 2021-01-14: Kabelverlängerung - Verlängerungskabel / cable extension - extension cable
A 2018-09-23: Here it is +cable pay-out and reel-in+ +pay-off+ sounds somewhat fishy, a...
Q 2018-09-23: Cable machines
A 2018-09-22: Pay out can mean to let out more rope (or cable).
A 2018-09-22: There is +cable rewinder / rewinder+
Q 2018-09-22: Cable machines
Q 2018-05-01: cable out
A 2018-03-15: cable television ?
A 2018-03-13: Vielleicht: cable channel > Kabelfernsehen +(Achtung, nicht mit Kabelkanal...
A 2018-03-13: cable channel > (hier) Kabelfernsehen
Q 2018-03-12: BBC cable channel
A 2017-02-26: vaporetto rides / cable car OR gondola rides
A 2017-02-26: Cable car
A 2016-11-28: At least for skiers or mountain hikers, +cable car+ tends to come up in th...
A 2016-11-28: +Straßenbahn - cable car+ is plain wrong.
Q 2016-11-28: cable car - Straßenbahn
A 2016-11-27: Nalick being Californian, she may be equally familiar with San Francisco a...

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