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English-German translation for: cadaver dog
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Dictionary English German: cadaver dog

Translation 1 - 50 of 1126  >>

NOUN   a cadaver dog | cadaver dogs
FireResc zool. cadaver dogLeichenspürhund {m}
cadaver dogLeichensuchhund {m}
dog cadaverHundekadaver {m}
Keywords contained
cadaver-sniffing dogLeichensuchhund {m}
Partial Matches
cadaverKadaver {m}
cadaverLeiche {f}
med. cadaver bloodLeichenblut {n}
med. cadaver dissectionLeichensektion {f}
med. cadaver donorLeichenspender {m}
med. cadaver materialLeichenmaterial {n}
cadaver researchKadaverforschung {f}
cadaver skullLeichenschädel {m}
cadaver testingLeichenversuche {pl}
med. cadaver graft [transplant]Leichentransplantat {n}
med. cadaver-type reactionKadaverreaktion {f}
hist. relig. Cadaver Synod [Synodus horrenda]Kadaversynode {f}
hist. relig. Cadaver Synod [Synodus horrenda]Leichensynode {f}
hist. relig. Cadaver Trial [Synodus horrenda]Leichensynode {f}
bot. T
dog-eat-dog society [fig.]Ellbogengesellschaft {f} [fig.]
dog-eat-dog society [fig.]Ellenbogengesellschaft {f} [fig.]
idiom case of dog-eat-dogSache {f} des Ellbogengebrauchs
dog / dog's noseHundenase {f}
idiom dog-eat-dog mentalityEllbogenmentalität {f}
zool. T
Hund {m}
comm. dogwenig erfolgreiches Produkt {n}
zool. dog {adj} [attr.]Hunde-
to dog sb.jdm. an den Fersen kleben
to dog sb.jdm. hart auf den Fersen sein / bleiben [Redewendung]
to dog sb.jdn. verfolgen [hinterherlaufen, jagen] [auch fig.: plagen]
tech. dog-actuated {adj}anschlagbetätigt
dog-eared {adj}abgewetzt [durch übermäßige Inanspruchnahme]
dog-eared {adj}eselsohrig [ugs.]
dog-eared {adj}mit Eselsohren [Buchseite, Blatt Papier, Folie etc.] [nachgestellt]
dog-friendly {adj}hundefreundlich
dog-headed {adj}hundsköpfig
dog-like {adj}hundeähnlich
dog-weary {adj}hundemüde [ugs.]
Good dog!Braver Hund!
(dog) bootiesHundeschuhe {pl}
abandoned dogalleingelassener Hund {m} [verlassener Hund]
abandoned dogverlassener Hund {m}
adjusting dogStellklaue {f}
assistance dogAssistenzhund {m}
assistance dogHilfshund {m}
assistance dogPartnerhund {m}
assistance dogRehabilitationshund {m} [Assistenzhund]
zool. attack dogKampfhund {m}
climbing FireResc avalanche dogLawinenhund {m}
tools bench dogBankhaken {m}
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