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English-German translation for: cake
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Dictionary English German: cake

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NOUN   a cake | cakes
VERB  to cake | caked | caked ... 
SYNO   to cake | to coat | cake | patty ... 
chem. to cake
material to cake
chem. to cake
to cake sth.
etw. verkrusten
to cake(sich) verkrusten
to cakeKlumpen bilden
gastr. cake
Kuchen {m}
gastr. cake [gateau]
Torte {f}
cake [of soap, of ice etc]
Block {m} [Eisblock etc.]
gastr. ... cake [unless "tart", "pie", "quiche" or "flan" is more appropriate]-kuchen {m}
gastr. cakeMehlspeise {f} [österr.] [Kuchen]
2 Words: Others
patty-cake [nursery rhyme]Backe, backe Kuchen [Kinderlied]
2 Words: Nouns
chem. (filter) cakeFilterrückstand {m}
gastr. almond cakeMandelkuchen {m}
gastr. angel cakeBiskuitkuchen {m}
gastr. aniseed cakeAniskuchen {m}
gastr. apple cakeApfelkuchen {m}
gastr. apricot cakeAprikosenkuchen {m}
gastr. apricot cakeMarillenkuchen {m} [österr.]
gastr. banana cakeBananenkuchen {m}
gastr. Banbury cakeGewürzkuchen {m}
gastr. relig. baptism cakeTauftorte {f}
gastr. relig. baptism cakeTorte {f} zur Taufe
gastr. batik cakeBatikkuchen {m}
orn. bird cake [also: fat cake]Meisenkuchen {m}
gastr. birthday cakeGeburtstagskuchen {m}
gastr. birthday cakeGeburtstagstorte {f}
gastr. bread cakeBrotkuchen {m}
gastr. bread cakeBrottorte {f}
gastr. bride cakeHochzeitskuchen {m}
gastr. buckwheat cakeBuchweizenkuchen {m}
gastr. Bundt cakeGugelhupf {m}
gastr. Bundt cake [esp. Am.]Rodonkuchen {m} [regional] [Napfkuchen]
gastr. butter cakeButterkuchen {m}
gastr. buttercream cakeButtercremetorte {f}
gastr. buttercream cakeButtercrèmetorte {f}
gastr. buttercream cakeButterkremtorte {f} [alt] [Buttercremetorte]
cake attack [coll.]Tortenanschlag {m} [ugs.]
FoodInd. gastr. jobs cake bakerFeinbäcker {m}
gastr. jobs cake bakerKuchenbäcker {m}
FoodInd. gastr. jobs cake baker [female]Feinbäckerin {f}
gastr. cake baseKuchenboden {m}
gastr. cake batterKuchenteig {m}
gastr. cake buffetKuchenbuffet {n}
gastr. cake carrierTortenbutler {m}
cake cartonKuchenschachtel {f}
gastr. cake coverTortenhaube {f}
gastr. cake dividerKuchenteiler {m}
gastr. cake dividerTortenteiler {m}
gastr. cake domeTortenglocke {f}
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A 2024-05-31: "Happiness is a piece of cake" - ein hübsches Wortspiel :-)
A 2023-04-18: I wouldn't claim that everyone means it this way, but for me a plain donut...
Q 2021-04-03: UK equivalents of ingredients for a lemon and chilli streusel cake
Q 2021-02-25: cake cheese
Q 2021-01-10: urinal with a minty cake around the drain
Q 2019-01-22: lardy cake
Q 2017-12-09: to take the cake
Q 2017-11-16: pat-a-cake
A 2016-07-13: informal: you can't have a cake and eat it
Q 2016-04-17: Thuggish Baby’s Hilarious Reaction To Mother Trying To Eat His Birthday Cake
A 2016-03-23: I've never heard of one-bowl cake, but I agree, it looks like it's used in...
A 2016-03-23: https://www.google.co.uk/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&btnG=Search&q=%22one-...
A 2016-03-23: I would just call it a cake :-)
A 2016-03-23: sponge cake
A 2016-03-20: Cake slice
Q 2016-03-19: cake slice ..... Tortenstück {n}
A 2015-05-14: apple upside down cake ??
A 2015-05-14: AE: German apple cake
A 2014-11-18: "cake"
A 2014-09-14: Why not look it up in a Latin / English dictionary? Mostbrötchen > must-ca...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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