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English-German translation for: calibration
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Dictionary English German: calibration

Translation 1 - 50 of 128  >>

English German
NOUN   a calibration | calibrations
SYNO   calibration | standardisation ... 
tech. calibration
Kalibrierung {f}
Justierung {f}
law tech. calibration
Eichen {n} [z. B. durch Eichamt]
calibration [of gauge]
Eichung {f}
tech. calibration
Abgleich {m} [ugs.] [Kalibrierung]
tech. calibrationEinstellung {f} [Kalibrierung, Eichung]
tech. calibrationKalibration {f} [Kalibrierung]
2 Words: Others
tech. calibration-free {adj}kalibrationsfrei
2 Words: Nouns
electr. phys. absolute calibrationAbsoluteichung {f}
audio audiometer calibrationAudiometerkalibrierung {f}
spec. tech. basic calibrationGrundkalibrierung {f}
QM calibration accuracyEichgenauigkeit {f}
electr. engin. calibration accuracyKalibriergenauigkeit {f}
tech. calibration adjustmentKalibrationsabgleich {m}
tech. calibration certificateEichzertifikat {n}
calibration certificateKalibrierschein {m}
calibration certificateKalibrierzertifikat {n}
QM calibration chainKalibrierkette {f} [Kette von Kalibrierinstitutionen]
math. meteo. calibration coefficientKalibrationskoeffizient {m}
tech. calibration constantKalibrierkonstante {f}
tech. calibration constantKalibrierungskonstante {f}
med. calibration curveEichkurve {f}
QM calibration curveKalibrierkurve {f}
comp. tech. calibration curveKalibrierungskurve {f}
QM calibration dataEichdaten {pl}
QM calibration dataKalibrationsdaten {pl} [seltener]
QM calibration dataKalibrierdaten {pl}
QM calibration dataKalibrierungsdaten {pl}
QM calibration detailsKalibrierungsdetails {pl}
calibration deviceKalibriereinrichtung {f}
tech. tools calibration deviceKalibriervorrichtung {f}
QM calibration errorEichfehler {m}
calibration errorKalibrierfehler {m}
QM calibration errorKalibrierungsfehler {m}
calibration error [instrumentation]Abgleichfehler {m} [Messeinrichtung]
QM tech. calibration factorEichfaktor {m}
MedTech. calibration factorKalibrierfaktor {m}
QM tech. calibration factorKalibrierungsfaktor {m}
QM tech. calibration frequencyKalibrierfrequenz {f}
electr. calibration frequency <CF>Eichfrequenz {f}
tech. calibration functionKalibrierfunktion {f}
engin. tech. calibration gasKalibriergas {n}
tech. calibration gasKalibrierungsgas {n}
tech. calibration gridEichgitter {n}
calibration instructions {pl}Kalibrieranleitung {f}
tech. calibration instructions {pl}Kalibrieranweisung {f}
calibration intervalKalibrierintervall {n}
calibration intervalKalibrierungsintervall {n}
calibration kitKalibriersatz {m}
tech. calibration lab [coll.]Kalibrierlabor {n}
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A 2017-03-08: colo(u)r calibration ? colo(u)r equalization ?
A 2015-04-22: that we also offer calibration checks which are carried out in our testing...
A 2015-01-20: Set-up and calibration of a test bench for verifying an energy and battery...
A 2013-01-02: gauging and calibration (ist eine Möglichkeit)
A 2012-09-03: calibration / measurement capability
A 2010-04-23: Kalibrierdaten - calibration data
Q 2010-03-26: calibration trimmer - Kalibrierungsteinstellung?
A 2010-01-18: calibration
A 2009-10-28: http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&source=hp&q=calibration+log&aq=f&a...
A 2009-01-08: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/calibrated / http://www.google.co.uk/se...
A 2008-12-03: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22zero+calibration&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&r...
A 2008-05-08: If the cylinders contain gases which are used for calibration purposes, "o...
A 2008-03-26: calibration work
A 2008-03-23: ? not confirmed by official calibration
A 2008-02-05: Just a try : calibration piston
A 2007-10-31: *calibration* > Eichung usw. http://www.dict.cc/?s=calibration
A 2007-10-20: Calibration label (scores 1.920.000 on Google)
A 2007-10-20: ? calibration plate
A 2006-07-24: ich denke mal... Einjustage = Justierung ==> calibration, adjustment
A 2006-07-06: Calibration authority

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