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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: call for
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Dictionary English German: call for

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SYNO   to bespeak | to call for | to quest ... 
to call for sb.nach jdm. rufen
theatre to call for sb. [an actor]jdn. hervorrufen [nach der Vorstellung]
to call for sb. [come for, pick up sb.]jdn. abholen
to call for sb. [send for]jdn. kommen lassen
to call for sth.etw. beanspruchen
to call for sth.etw. erfordern
to call for sth.nach etw.Dat. rufen
to call for sth.nach etw.Dat. verlangen
to call for sth. [demand sth.]etw.Akk. fordern
to call for sth. [e.g. a measure]etw.Akk. bedingen [z. B. eine Maßnahme]
to call for sth. [e.g. better compliance]etw. anmahnen [fordern] [z. B. bessere Befolgung]
to call for sth. [patience, belief etc.]etw.Akk. verlangen [erfordern]
to call for sth. [require sth.]etw.Akk. notwendig machen
to call for sth. [wish, desire]nach etw.Dat. begehren
call for sth.Ruf {m} nach etw.Dat.
to call for adviceum Rat bitten
to call for capitalKapital zur Einzahlung aufrufen
to call for helpum Hilfe rufen
to call for mercyum Gnade bitten
to call for sanityzur Vernunft aufrufen
to call for vengeancenach Rache rufen
to call out for sb.laut nach jdm. rufen
to call out for sth.zu etw. ausrufen
call for actionHandlungsbedarf {m}
call for bids(öffentliche) Ausschreibung {f}
EU law call for competitionAufruf {m} zum Wettbewerb
call for donationsSpendenaufruf {m}
call for donationsAufruf {m} zur Spende
acad. call for papers <CFP>Call {m} for Papers <CfP>
call for papers <CFP>Aufruf {m} zur Einreichung von Artikeln / Vorträgen [selten]
pol. call for peaceFriedensaufruf {m}
call for perseveranceDurchhalteparole {f}
call for proposalsAusschreibung {f}
call for tenders [Am.]Ausschreibung {f}
call for violenceGewaltaufruf {m}
Call For Votes <CFV>Aufforderung {f} zur Abstimmung
mus. to call for an encoreeine Zugabe verlangen
mus. to call for an encore [classical concert]da capo rufen
to call for back-upVerstärkung anfordern
to call for boycott (of sb./sth.)zum Boykott (jds./etw. / von jdm./etw.) aufrufen
to call for lower taxesniedrigere Steuern fordern
to call for mass demonstrationszu Massendemonstrationen aufrufen
to call for mass protestszu Massenprotesten aufrufen
to call for sb. to do sth.jdn. auffordern, etw. zu tun
sports to call for the ballsich anbieten [Fußballspieler]
to call on sb. for helpjdn. um Hilfe bitten
to call upon / on sb. for sth.sich an jdn. um etw. wenden
call for a boycottBoykottaufruf {m}
call for a strikeStreikaufruf {m}
call for additional coverNachschussaufforderung {f}
call for earlier paymentAbruf {m} zur vorzeitigen Zahlung
clarion call for actionWeckruf {m} (zum Handeln)
port of call for sth. [usu. fig.]Anlaufstelle {f} für etw.
premium for the callVorprämie {f}
bibl. quote And do not call anyone on earth 'father', for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. [Mt 23:9; NIV]Und ihr sollt niemanden unter euch Vater nennen auf Erden; denn einer ist euer Vater, der im Himmel ist. [Mt 23,9; Luther 1984]
TrVocab. Could you call a taxi for me?Könnten Sie mir ein Taxi bestellen? [formelle Anrede]
proverb Desperate times call for desperate measures.Verzweifelte Situationen erfordern verzweifelte Maßnahmen.
proverb Drastic times call for drastic measures.In harten Zeiten muss man hart durchgreifen.
sb. will call you for an appointmentjd. wird Sie um einen Termin bitten
admin. law to call for a moratorium on sth.einen Stopp von etw.Dat. fordern
sports to call up sb. (to / for the national team)jdn. (für die Nationalmannschaft) nominieren
to call upon sb. for a speechjdn. zu einer Rede auffordern
mil. to fall in for roll-call inspectionzum Appell antreten
to issue a call for unityzur Einigkeit aufrufen
to put out a call for sth. [coll.]bekanntmachen, dass man etw. braucht
a clarion call for reformein Weckruf {m} nach Reformen
pol. call for freedom and justiceRuf {m} nach Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit
FireResc med. call-outs for the emergency doctorNotarzteinsätze {pl}
lit. F Call For The Dead [John le Carré]Schatten von Gestern
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A 2015-09-18: Faced with the demands of school, the socializing capacity of the family t...
A 2014-11-24: Literally: The call for stricter rules falls short of the mark
Q 2014-09-23: to call for
A 2013-05-16: Difficult translation. In the U.S., a call for justice for a murder victim...
A 2013-01-06: me too - not for milk ..... happa-happa was the call for my cat (feeding ...
Q 2012-11-16: to call for sth.
Q 2011-11-07: Text über Baumaschine (Abgabe Dienstag 9 Uhr) - "call for" unbekannt
A 2011-11-05: call for papers - Beitragsaufruf
Q 2011-11-05: call for papers (CfP)
A 2011-03-12: Agree with Larste: "call for papers" is correct for *Beitragsaufruf*.
Q 2011-03-12: Beitragsaufruf = call for papers
Q 2011-02-16: Call for proposals?
Q 2009-06-06: Call for recipes: All ye British, could you tell me how to make a good ste...
A 2009-03-24: "call of the wild". But not "call of papers" "call for" is right
A 2008-04-16: The unmistakable call for restraint in design simply cannot be ignored any...
A 2008-04-16: You simply can't elude the unmistakeable call for a demureness in means of...
A 2008-01-12: XY's media-compatible call for the ability of a top management team to bri...
A 2007-05-03: call for paper:
Q 2007-05-03: call for paper
A 2007-04-07: I would still say, he didn't call B. wantonly, he had a reason to call for him

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