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English-German translation for: called
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Dictionary English German: called

Translation 1 - 50 of 137  >>

English German
VERB  to call | called | called ... 
called {adj} {past-p} [pred.]
genannt [benannt] <gen.>
sb. called
jd. rief
called {adj} {past-p}
called {adj} {past-p}
sb. called [named]
jd. nannte
called {adv} [by the name of]
namens [mit Namen]
called {adj} {past-p}
called {adj} {past-p} [shouted; sent for]
gerufen [mit lauter Stimme geäußert; herbeigerufen]
called {adj} {past-p}
called {adj} {past-p} [esp. by God]
berufen [bes. von Gott]
called {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
[we/they/you] are called[wir/sie/Sie] heißen
[we/they/you] were called[wir/sie/Sie] hießen
[you] are called[du] heißest [veraltet]
[you] are called[du] heißt
[you] are called[ihr] heißt
been called {past-p}geheißen
being calledheißend
called back {adj} {past-p}zurückberufen
called in {past-p}hinzugezogen
called off {adj} {past-p}abgesagt
called out {past-p}herausgerufen
called over {past-p}hergerufen
called together {past-p}zusammenberufen
called upon {past-p}aufgefordert
commonly called {adj}sogenannt <sog., sogen.> [attr.]
commonly called {adv}vulgo <v/o> [gemeinhin genannt]
hereinafter callednachstehend genannt
sb. is calledjd. heißt
sb. was calledjd. hieß
so-called {adj} [alleged]angeblich
so-called {adj} [attr.]sogenannt <sog., sogen.>
so-called {adj} [attr.]so genannt <s. g.> [seltener] [sogenannt]
math. sth. is calledetw. wird genannt
You called?Du hast gerufen?
2 Words: Verbs
to be calledheißen
to be calledangerufen werden
to be calledgenannt werden
to be calledsichAkk. nennen [genannt werden]
2 Words: Nouns
games called ace [Schafkopf / sheepshead]Ruf-Ass {n} [auch: Rufass] [gerufenes Ass]
called bondaufgerufene Obligation {f}
called bondsausgeloste Wertpapiere {pl}
called partyangerufener Teilnehmer {m}
called stationEmpfangsstation {f}
called subscriberangerufener Teilnehmer {m}
3 Words: Others
called forth byverursacht von
sb. has / had calledjd. hat / hatte genannt
sb. has / had calledjd. hat / hatte gerufen
so called frombenannt nach
sth. is called for [e.g. effort, explanations]es bedarf etw.Gen. [einiger Mühe, einer Erklärung etc.]
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A 2024-10-18: Called 'baseboard moulding' or 'baseboard' in most US home improvement stores.
Q 2023-11-21: sogenannt, commonly called
A 2023-01-02: When I was a boy they used to be called +public schools+
A 2022-09-02: @ Dwight: Thre are surgical tools called 'curet' or 'curette', so no need...
A 2021-12-27: At least in the UK, such statutes are always called +acts+
Q 2020-10-23: It's called pleasing the audience.
A 2020-03-22: Legally, a +defence+ is also called an +objection+ < gives you two words f...
A 2020-03-18: COVID-19 / — called also coronavirus disease 2019 < Danach habt ihr mit +K...
Q 2019-11-27: What are classes called at American high schools?
A 2019-08-28: One of them was called ...
A 2019-08-14: Anything critical of multiculturalism provokes simplistic shying at an Aun...
A 2019-03-20: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/7772/why-is-a-judge-or-magistr...
A 2019-03-14: P.S.: +manor farms+ were later called +home farms,+ q.v.
A 2018-10-06: They are called "influencers", I think.
A 2018-06-16: Also called +bum fluff / bumfluff+ https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/defi...
A 2018-03-01: In the sixties American undergraduate friends of mine called it +barfing.+
A 2018-01-05: +country house+ is dicey because it often stands for what is called +Schlo...
A 2017-12-15: (01:07) That would be called +auf dem Bauch robben / bauchrobben+ in German
A 2017-09-26: Sometimes also called +eyebrow+
A 2017-09-26: Seems to be called a +running head+

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