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English-German translation for: camera.
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Dictionary English German: camera

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NOUN   a camera | cameras
SYNO   camera | television camera | tv camera ... 
film Camera!Achtung, Aufnahme!
film Camera!Kamera ab! [Regieanweisung]
film photo. camera
Kamera {f}
Fotoapparat {m}
archi. camera
Gewölbe {n}
photo. camera
Foto {m} [ugs.] [Fotoapparat]
photo. cameraApparat {m} [Fotoapparat]
photo. cameraPhoto {m} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Photoapparat]
cameraRichterzimmer {n}
relig. cameraApostolische Kammer {f} [päpstliche Vermögensverwaltung]
2 Words: Others
camera-shy {adj}fotoscheu
camera-shy {adj}kamerascheu
law in camera {adv}im Geheimen
in camera {adv}hinter verschlossenen Türen [geheim]
in camera {adv}in geschlossener Gesellschaft
law in camera {adv}in geschlossener Sitzung
law in camera {adv}unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit [Gerichtsprozess]
RadioTV on-camera {adj} {adv}vor laufenden Kameras
2 Words: Nouns
photo. 35mm cameraKleinbildkamera {f}
photo. accordion cameraBalgenkamera {f}
electr. acoustic cameraakustische Kamera {f}
photo. aerial cameraLuftbildkamera {f}
photo. aerial cameraLuftkamera {f}
air cameraLuftbildkamera {f}
MedTech. Anger camera [gamma camera]Angerkamera {f} [auch: Anger-Kamera] [Szintillationskamera von Anger]
relig. Apostolic CameraApostolische Kammer {f}
astron. photo. astrographic cameraAstrograf {m}
astron. photo. astrographic cameraAstrograph {m}
photo. autofocus cameraAF-Kamera {f}
photo. autofocus cameraAutofokus-Kamera {f}
automot. backup camera [Am.]Rückfahrkamera {f}
baseboard cameraLaufbodenkamera {f}
photo. bellows cameraBalgenkamera {f}
body cameraKörperkamera {f}
photo. box cameraBoxkamera {f}
photo. bridge cameraBridgekamera {f}
film photo. tech. camera accessories {pl}Kamerazubehör {n}
film camera actingFilmschauspiel {n}
optics photo. camera adaptationKameraadaptation {f}
camera adapterKameraadapter {m} [auch: Kamera-Adapter]
optics photo. camera adaptionKameraadaption {f}
photo. camera amplifierKameraverstärker {m}
camera angleAufnahmewinkel {m}
film camera angleEinstellungsperspektive {f}
film camera angleKamerahöhe {f}
film camera angleKameraperspektive {f}
film photo. camera angleKamerastandpunkt {m}
camera angleKamerawinkel {m}
photo. camera apertureBlendenöffnung {f}
film jobs camera assistantKameraassistent {m}
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A 2023-12-12: Subjective camera perspective / Point-of-view (POV) shot technique
Q 2020-01-29: On Camera Release form
Q 2017-05-11: On Camera Principal role?
A 2015-05-21: If someone hacks into your computer, the camera will probably be your smal...
A 2015-05-21: Skype and camera
A 2015-05-10: 00:47 A headset is essential, a camera entirely optional (if you instal on...
A 2014-09-08: cycloramic camera
Q 2014-08-06: full-beam video camera
Q 2013-08-10: a mounted half-round black camera
Q 2013-05-26: I wanted a car with a TV screen and a camera for backing up ...
A 2012-03-15: "Candid" in "Candid Camera" refers to the "candid shot."
A 2012-03-15: Gab es da nicht mal eine Serie namens "Candid Camera"
A 2011-03-06: Plural von Camera obscura: Camerae obscurae.
A 2011-03-06: Du kannst das ja noch etwas umschreiben: eine sogenannte "Camera Obscura"
A 2011-03-06: camera obscura
Q 2011-03-06: Camera obscuras hört sich auf deutsch nicht an -- wie aber dann
A 2010-12-29: Implication here = that which is insinuated by camera work and not express...
Q 2010-12-22: certain behind-camera benefits
A 2010-12-19: :-)) http://www.answers.com/topic/off-camera
A 2010-12-19: +Off camera+ means not seen by the camera,

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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