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English-German translation for: cancel one's registration
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cancel one's registration in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: cancel one's registration

Translation 1 - 50 of 31973  >>

Keywords contained
Internet to cancel one's registrationsich wieder abmelden
Partial Matches
to cancel sb.'s sth.jdm. etw. kündigen
to cancel sb.'s appointmentjdn. abbestellen
to cancel sb.'s namejdn. austragen [aus Liste, bei Buchung]
sports player's registrationSpielerregistrierung {f}
quote To get back one's youth, one has merely to repeat one's follies. [Oscar Wilde]Um seine Jugend zurückzubekommen, muss man nur seine Torheiten wiederholen.
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]auf seine Sprache achten
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom](äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
to be in one of one's moods [coll.] [idiom]seine fünf Minuten haben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [unbeherrscht / unleidlich sein]
to grind one's (cigarette) butt under one's heelseinen Zigarettenstummel austreten
to put all one's eggs in one basket [idiom]alles auf ein Pferd setzen [Redewendung]
to put all one's eggs into one basket [idiom]alles auf eine Karte setzen [Redewendung]
to take one's wallet out of one's pocketseine Brieftasche aus der Tasche ziehen
to abandon one to one's own devices [idiom]jdn. sich selbst überlassen
to bring one's glass to one's mouthdas Glas zum Mund führen
to cup one's chin in one's handdas Kinn in die Hand stützen
to have one's ducks in one row [idiom]sich gut organisiert und vorbereitet haben
to leave one to one's own devices [idiom]jdn. sichDat. selbst überlassen
to lift one's hands over one's headdie Hände über den Kopf heben
to tip one's hat over one's eyessichDat. den Hut über die Augen ziehen
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]auf sein Auftreten achten
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom]pingelig genau auf die Formen achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. anständig benehmen
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. sehr in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]
to cup one's hands around one's mouth (for shouting)die Hände trichterförmig um den Mund legen (um zu rufen)
to have more than one string to one's bow [idiom]mehrere Eisen im Feuer haben [Redewendung]
what is one's own and not one's ownEigenes {n} und Fremdes {n}
to find one's way in a city one doesn't knowsichAkk. in einer fremden Stadt zurechtfinden
to cause one to lose one's placePlatzverlust verursachen
to have one's wits about one [idiom]seine fünf Sinne beisammenhaben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to keep one's wits about one [idiom]nicht den Kopf verlieren [Redewendung]
to update one another with one's lives and plans for the futureeinander das Neueste über sein Leben und seine Zukunftspläne erzählen
to drag one's leg behind onesein Bein hinterherziehen
to fall in love with one's sister's boyfriendsich in den Freund seiner Schwester verlieben
to force one's ideas down sb.'s throat [idiom]jdm. seine eigenen Ideen aufzwingen
to have sb.'s blood on one's hands [idiom]jds. Blut an seinen Händen kleben haben [Redewendung]
to have sb.'s death on one's conscience [idiom]jdn. auf dem Gewissen haben [Redewendung]
to put one's owns needs above other people'sdie eigenen Bedürfnisse über die anderer stellen
to worm one's way into sb.'s affection [idiom]sichAkk. bei jdm. einschmeicheln
automot. (penalty) points on one's (driver's) licence [Br.]Punkte {pl} in Flensburg [Strafpunkte beim KBA]
to be at one's wit's end [idiom]mit seinem Latein am Ende sein [Redewendung]
to be at one's wit's end [idiom]mit seiner Weisheit am Ende sein [Redewendung]
to brush sb.'s forehead with one's lipsjdm. einen Kuss auf die Stirn hauchen
to fling one's arms around sb.'s neckjdm. um den Hals fallen
to follow in one's father's footsteps [idiom]in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters treten [Redewendung]
to run one's fingers through sb.'s hairjdm. das Haar kraulen
to run one's fingers through sb.'s hairjdm. die Haare kraulen
to run one's fingers through sb.'s hairjdm. in den Haaren kraulen
to worm one's way into sb.'s confidencesichAkk. in jds. Vertrauen einschleichen [fig.]
to be tied to (one's) mother's apron strings [idiom]an Mutters Rockzipfel hängen [Redewendung]
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