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English-German translation for: candidate
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Dictionary English German: candidate

Translation 1 - 50 of 150  >>

English German
NOUN   a candidate | candidates
SYNO   candidate | prospect | campaigner ... 
Kandidat {m}
Bewerber {m}
Anwärter {m}
hustings [Br.] [candidate's appearance]
Wahlkampfauftritt {m}
Antragsteller {m}
candidate [female]
Kandidatin {f}
candidate [female]Anwärterin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
econ. acquisition candidateÜbernahmekandidat {m}
authorized candidateberechtigter Kandidat {m}
relig. baptismal candidateTaufkandidat {m}
candidate citiesKandidatenstädte {pl}
EU candidate countryBeitrittskandidat {m} [Land]
EU pol. candidate countryBewerberland {n}
spec. candidate countryKandidatenland {pl}
FireResc jobs candidate firefighterFeuerwehrmann-Anwärter {m} [Feuerwehrmannanwärter]
biol. candidate geneKandidatengen {n}
comp. candidate keyKandidatenschlüssel {m}
comp. candidate keySchlüsselkandidat {m}
candidate listKandidatenliste {f}
games candidate move [chess]Kandidatenzug {m} [Schach]
candidate preselectionBewerbervorauswahl {f}
candidate selectionBewerberauswahl {f}
candidate sheetKandidatenblatt {n}
comp. candidate solutionKandidatenlösung {f} [seltener auch: Candidate-Lösung]
pharm. candidate vaccineVersuchsimpfstoff {m} [Vakzinkandidat]
pol. chancellor candidateKanzlerkandidat {m}
pol. chancellor candidate [female]Kanzlerkandidatin {f}
competing candidateMitbewerber {m}
pol. constituency candidateWahlkreiskandidat {m} [für ein Direkmandat in der BRD]
acad. degree candidateDiplomand {m}
desired candidateWunschkandidat {m}
acad. educ. doctoral candidateDoktorand {m}
acad. educ. doctoral candidatePromovend {m}
acad. educ. doctoral candidate [female]Doktorandin {f}
educ. acad. doctoral candidate [female]Promovendin {f}
eligible candidategeeigneter Kandidat {m}
acad. educ. examination candidatePrüfungskandidat {m}
acad. educ. examination candidate [female]Prüfungskandidatin {f}
failing candidateerfolgloser Kandidat {m}
fringe candidateAußenseiterkandidat {m}
pol. gubernatorial candidateGouverneurskandidat {m}
acad. educ. habilitation candidateHabilitand {m}
acad. educ. habilitation candidate [female]Habilitandin {f}
ideal candidateWunschkandidat {m}
jobs job candidateBewerber {m} [Stellenbewerber]
jobs job candidateJobanwärter {m}
lead candidateSpitzenkandidat {m}
pol. leading candidateSpitzenkandidat {m}
pol. leading candidate [female]Spitzenkandidatin {f}
local candidateörtlicher Bewerber {m}
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Q 2020-09-23: Candidate assessment
Q 2020-01-13: Candidate profile
Q 2019-08-06: [candidate]
Q 2019-06-14: Candidate reference
Q 2019-05-06: Candidate report
Q 2019-05-06: Candidate report
A 2015-11-20: Manchurian Candidate
A 2015-11-20: The Manchurian Candidate
Q 2015-03-25: well-suited to conform to your expectations of an adequate candidate
A 2013-03-29: http://www.dict.cc/?s=candidate+ http://www.dict.cc/?s=brief kurze Dar...
Q 2013-03-29: candidate brief
Q 2011-03-24: PE candidate
Q 2011-03-21: lead candidate (here)
A 2010-01-02: The qualified candidate for the final state exam passed the first judicial...
A 2009-11-28: Candidate Privacy Agreement
A 2009-06-15: I'd say +election+ or +selection+, depending on the process. The +assignm...
A 2009-04-17: a likely Nobel Prize candidate/winner ?
A 2009-03-18: Thanks to XX, you can choose the right candidate for you/your company from...
A 2008-05-01: Better write: "I am your perfect candidate for the following reasons"
A 2008-01-05: prospect of Hillary ~ of her becoming president, I should think (which opp...

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