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English-German translation for: candidates
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Dictionary English German: candidates

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN   a candidate | candidates
Kandidaten {pl}
candidatesAnwärter {pl}
candidates [female]Anwärterinnen {pl}
candidates [female]Kandidatinnen {pl}
2 Words
to examine candidatesKandidaten prüfen
to screen candidates [fig.]Kandidaten durchleuchten [fig.]
pol. chancellor candidatesKanzlerkandidaten {pl}
doubtful candidatesunsichere Kandidaten {pl}
fellow candidatesMitkandidaten {pl}
pol. presidential candidatesPräsidentschaftskandidaten {pl}
pol. presidential candidates [female]Präsidentschaftskandidatinnen {pl}
hist. qualified candidatesKompetenten {pl} [veraltet]
top candidatesSpitzenkanditaten {pl}
women candidatesweibliche Kandidaten {pl}
3 Words
Candidates are advised ...Den Kandidaten wird nahegelegt ...
list of candidatesBewerberliste {f}
list of candidatesKandidatenliste {f}
number of candidatesKandidatenzahl {f}
mil. Officer Candidates School <OCS> [Am.]Offizierschule {f} des Heeres <OSH>
selection of candidatesBewerberauswahl {f}
4 Words
preliminary selection of candidatesBewerbervorauswahl {f}
pol. Tea Party-backed candidatesvon der Tea Party unterstützte Kandidaten {pl}
5+ Words
pol. candidates adhering to the CSU lineCSU-konforme Kandidaten {pl}
hist. candidates for a / the throneThronkandidaten {pl}
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A 2020-07-26: second-time / repeated candidates
A 2015-05-27: Linguee spit out two candidates
A 2013-04-11: I suppose the trade union sets up rules of how to make (sensible) decision...
A 2012-02-29: study participants / study candidates .... oder mit research ....
A 2011-09-03: I understand it to mean that there must be two more candidates than there ...
A 2010-10-31: Making it mandatory for the (party) members to draw up the list of candida...
A 2010-09-10: Yes, the buses were the candidates
A 2010-09-10: Aren't the buses the candidates in this context?
A 2010-09-10: The buses are the candidates: which make or model should the city buy?
A 2010-09-10: Oh - were the city bus candidates actually the buses
A 2010-01-02: list of candidates
A 2009-11-30: +candidates+ - picked out by the company, +applicants+ - persons applying ...
A 2009-11-28: To avoid too many 'candidates' -
A 2009-11-28: After a preliminary selection, ['the' should be dropped] suitable candidat...
Q 2009-10-10: candidates to be customers
Q 2009-05-31: instructions for candidates for a business english examination
A 2009-03-22: I look after candidates for religious confirmation during their (specific)...
A 2008-05-21: Candidates can sit the examination a maximum of 3 times
A 2008-02-03: its not volume I dont think....its this year, this year's candidates maybe
A 2007-08-10: A straight-party vote chooses all the candidates of a party with one selec...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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