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English-German translation for: canned
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Dictionary English German: canned

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

English German
ADJ   canned | - | -
VERB  to can | canned | canned ... 
SYNO   canned | tinned | transcribed
comp. canned {adj} [fig.]
FoodInd. canned {adj}
FoodInd. gastr. canned {adj} {past-p}
FoodInd. canned {adj} [food, beer]
canned {adj} {past-p}
sb. canned
jd. konservierte
canned {adj} [sl.]
gastr. canned {adj}
Büchsen- [Dosen-, Konserven-]
RadioTV canned {adj} {past-p} [fig.]
canned {adj} {past-p}
canned {adj}in Dosen [nachgestellt]
canned {adj}aus der Dose [nachgestellt]
tech. canned {adj} {past-p} [fig.] [recorded]aufgezeichnet
canned {adj} [sl.] [drunk]strack [regional] [ugs.] [stark betrunken]
2 Words: Others
gastr. home-canned {adj} [also: home canned]selbst eingemacht
totally canned {adj} [Br.] [sl.]granatenvoll [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
jobs to be canned [Am.] [coll.]entlassen werden
to be canned [coll.] [Am.] [drunk]zugedröhnt sein [ugs.] [betrunken]
jobs to get canned [Am.] [coll.]entlassen werden
2 Words: Nouns
RadioTV canned audiencePublikumsgeräusch {n} vom Band
gastr. canned beansDosenbohnen {pl}
gastr. canned beansBohnen {pl} aus der Dose
brew canned beerDosenbier {n}
canned breadDosenbrot {n}
gastr. canned breadBrot {n} aus der Dose
gastr. canned cheeseDosenkäse {m}
canned dinnerFertiggericht {n} [aus der Dose]
gastr. canned drinkDosengetränk {n}
FoodInd. gastr. canned fishDosenfisch {m}
FoodInd. gastr. canned fish {sg}Fischkonserven {pl}
canned foodDosenfraß {m} [pej.] [ugs.]
FoodInd. canned food {sg}Dosenprodukte {pl}
FoodInd. canned food {sg}Konserven {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. canned fruitDosenobst {n}
canned goodsKonserven {pl}
gastr. canned hamBüchsenschinken {m} [Dosenschinken]
gastr. canned hamDosenschinken {m}
hunting canned huntingGatterjagd {f}
RadioTV canned laughterPlastiklacher {n} [ugs.] [Lachkonserve]
idiom canned laughterGelächter {n} aus der Konserve
RadioTV canned laughter [coll.]Lachkonserve {f}
RadioTV canned laughter [coll.]Gelächter {n} vom Band
RadioTV canned laughter [coll.]Lachen {n} aus der Konserve [ugs.]
FoodInd. gastr. canned meatBüchsenfleisch {n}
gastr. canned meatDosenfleisch {n}
FoodInd. gastr. canned milkDosenmilch {f}
electr. canned motorSpaltrohrmotor {m}
mus. canned musicKonservenmusik {f}
mus. canned musicMusikberieselung {f} [ugs.]
mus. canned musicMusikkonserve {f}
mus. canned musicMusik {f} aus der Konserve
FoodInd. canned peachesDosenpfirsiche {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. canned pearsDosenbirnen {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. canned pineappleDosenananas {f}
FoodInd. gastr. canned potatoesDosenkartoffeln {pl}
FoodInd. canned productsKonserven {pl}
gastr. canned ravioliDosenravioli {pl}
fish FoodInd. gastr. canned sardinesDosensardinen {pl}
FoodInd. canned sausagesWurstkonserven {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. canned soupDosensuppe {f}
gastr. canned tomatoesBüchsentomaten {pl} [selten] [Dosentomaten]
gastr. canned tomatoesDosentomaten {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. canned vegetables {pl}Dosengemüse {n}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. canned fat porkSchmalzfleischkonserve {f}
canned motor pumpSpaltrohrmotorpumpe {f}
canned motor pumpSpaltrohrpumpe {f}
canned pet foodBüchsenfutter {n}
canned pet foodDosenfutter {n}
4 Words: Nouns
canned (cat / dog) foodNassfutter {n}
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A 2011-08-15: Most likely, "commercial" refers to "canned and sold in supermarkets."
Q 2009-08-09: pre-canned
A 2009-06-24: Canned
Q 2009-06-24: canned outrage
Q 2008-02-29: cases of canned vegetables
A 2005-12-17: this book is as nutritious as tinned / canned (US) soup
Q 2005-02-15: plastic canned goods / has changed so far

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