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Dictionary English German: cannon

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NOUN   a cannon | cannon/cannons
SYNO   cannon | carom | shank
to cannon [billiards] [Br.]
karambolieren [Billard]
hist. weapons cannon
Kanone {f}
weapons cannon
Geschütz {n}
cannon [billiards] [Br.]
Karambolage {f} [Billard]
hist. weapons cannonScharfmetze {f} [veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
to cannon against sth.gegen etw.Akk. prallen
to cannon against sth.gegen etw. losdonnern
to cannon into sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. (heftig) zusammenprallen
to cannon off sth.von etw.Dat. abprallen
2 Words: Nouns
weapons (small) cannon [for ceremonial use]Böller {m} [Kanone]
tech. tools air cannonLuftkanone {f}
aviat. mil. weapons aircraft cannonBordkanone {f} <BK> [Flugzeug]
mil. weapons automatic cannonMaschinenkanone {f}
weapons automatic cannon [autocannon]automatische Kanone {f} [Maschinenkanone]
mil. cannon artilleryKanonenartillerie {f}
sports cannon ball [coll.] [diving style] [also: cannonball]Paketsprung {m} [ugs. meist: Arschbombe]
sports cannon ball [fig.]Bombe {f} [Fußball-Jargon]
weapons cannon ball [spv.] [cannonball]Kanonenkugel {f}
sports cannon ball [swimming]Arschbombe {f} [ugs.]
med. cannon beatKanonenschlag {m}
zool. cannon boneRöhrbein {n}
anat. cannon boneSchienbein {n}
zool. cannon boneSprungbein {n}
electr. Cannon connectorCannon-Stecker {m}
cannon cracker [Am.] [a large firecracker]Kanonenschlag {m} [Feuerwerkskörper (Böller)]
idiom cannon fodderKanonenfutter {n}
cannon foundryGeschützgießerei {f}
ind. weapons cannon foundryKanonengießerei {f}
electr. Cannon jack [esp. Japan] [XLR connector]Cannon-Stecker {m} [XLR-Steckverbinder]
electr. Cannon plug [XLR connector]Cannon-Stecker {m} [XLR-Steckverbinder]
mil. weapons cannon royalKartaune {f}
mil. weapons cannon saluteEhrensalve {f} [mit Kanonen]
mil. cannon saluteSalutschuss {m} [mit Kanonen]
mil. cannon salutesSalutschüsse {pl} [mit Kanonen]
cannon shotKanonenschuss {m}
weapons cannon shot [cannonball]Kanonenkugel {f}
cannon tubeKanonenrohr {n}
confetti cannonKonfettikanone {f}
mil. weapons leather cannonLederkanone {f}
hist. weapons leather cannonlederne Kanone {f}
loose cannon [fig.]tickende Zeitbombe {f} [fig.]
loose cannon [fig.]wandelndes Pulverfass {n} [fig.]
armour lower cannonUnteramschiene {f}
mil. main cannonHauptkanone {f}
weapons potato cannonKartoffelkanone {f} <KK>
weapons revolver cannonRevolverkanone {f}
mil. smoothbore cannonGlattrohrkanone {f}
tech. snow cannonBeschneiungsanlage {f}
snow cannonSchneekanone {f}
hist. weapons stone cannon [cannon firing stone balls]Steinbüchse {f}
water cannonWasserkanone {f} [auf Löschfahrzeug]
water cannonWasserwerfer {m} [auf Polizeifahrzeug]
mil. weapons wooden cannonHolzkanone {f}
3 Words: Nouns
mil. weapons (cannon) salute firingSalutschießen {n}
weapons ancient small cannonalte kleine Kanone {f}
mil. weapons anti-aircraft cannonFlugabwehrkanone {f}
mil. anti-tank cannonPanzerabwehrkanone {f} <Pak>
booming of cannonKanonendröhnen {n}
psych. Cannon-Bard theoryCannon-Bard-Theorie {f}
weapons quick-firing cannonSchnellfeuerkanone {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to be a loose cannongemeingefährlich sein
to be a loose cannon [idiom]unberechenbar sein [und damit ein Risikofaktor] [Person]
to use sb. as cannon fodder [fig.]jdn. als Kanonenfutter benutzen [fig.]
to use sb. as cannon-fodder [fig.]jdn. verheizen [ugs.] [fig.] [z. B. Soldaten]
4 Words: Nouns
(armored) water cannon truck [Am.](gepanzerter) Wasserwerfer {m} [Fahrzeug]
(armoured) water cannon vehicle [Br.](gepanzerter) Wasserwerfer {m} [Fahrzeug]
mil. weapons anti-aircraft cannon tankFlugabwehrkanonenpanzer {m} [auch: Flakpanzer]
roof-mounted water cannonWasserwerfer {m} am Dach
5+ Words: Nouns
(anti-riot) water cannon vehicleWasserwerfer {m} [Fahrzeug]
(anti-riot) water cannon vehicleWasserwerferfahrzeug {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F CannonCannon
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A 2021-04-07: Subjects vergeben bei "cannon bone", siehe ergänzend #710150
Q 2016-08-04: six-inch cannon
A 2014-10-03: Yes, although kanonirt isn't literally/grammatically cannon fire (as I'm s...
A 2014-03-14: in manchem Kontext: weathervane, loose cannon (sehr stark, fast schon geme...
A 2013-06-03: 1 Beispiel ist cannon bone (eindeutig und schön getäggt, wenn wir davon au...
Q 2013-06-02: Röhrbein or cannon bone - translation to Dutch
A 2009-05-15: Bacca, Golden Threat, cash cannon
A 2009-02-12: cover, bait und cannon fodder sind doch drei völlig unterschiedliche Sachen,
A 2009-02-12: Bacca, es geht um die Beantwortung der ganzen Frage: He was using him as c...
A 2009-02-12: cannon fodder
Q 2009-02-12: He was using him as cover/bait/cannon fodder.
A 2006-11-18: cannon fodder for the computer
A 2005-11-07: carom (US) ~ cannon (UK), rebound
Q 2005-09-09: cannon mount

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