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English-German translation for: car
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Dictionary English German: car

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NOUN   a car | cars
SYNO   car | railcar | railroad car ... 
automot. car
Auto {n}
automot. rail car
Wagen {m} [Auto; Eisenbahnwagen]
automot. car [automobile]
Personenkraftwagen {m} <PKW, Pkw>
rail car [Am.]
Waggon {m}
automot. car [esp. an old one]
Karre {f}
automot. car
Kraftwagen {m} [Amtsspr.] [Auto]
rail car [Am.]
Wagen {m}
car [elevator] [Am.]
Kabine {f} [Lift]
car [of a cableway or balloon]
Gondel {f} [einer Seilbahn, eines Ballons]
Fahrkorb {m}
2 Words: Others
by car {adv}per Auto
transp. travel by car {adv}mit dem Auto
car-free {adj}autofrei
car-free {adj}autolos
car-friendly {adj}autofreundlich
car-friendly {adj}autogerecht
car-mad {adj}autoverrückt
2 Words: Verbs
to dent sb.'s car [with one's own vehicle]jdm. eine Delle ins Auto fahren [ugs.]
to key sb.'s carjds. Auto mit einem Schlüssel zerkratzen
traffic to tailgate sb.'s caran jds. Stoßstange kleben [ugs.]
traffic to tailgate sb.'s carjdm. am Auspuff kleben [ugs.]
traffic to tailgate sb.'s carjdm. an der Stoßstange kleben [ugs.] [dicht auffahren]
2 Words: Nouns
(car) driveAutofahrt {f}
(car) driverAutolenker {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Autofahrer]
(car) ralliesSternfahrten {pl}
(car) rallySternfahrt {f}
automot. aviat. Unverified air car [often as brand name: AirCar™]Aircar {n}
FireResc med. ambulance (car)Ambulanzfahrzeug {n}
FireResc med. ambulance carAmbulanzwagen {m}
automot. American car [US car]Amerikanerwagen {m} [Automobil amerikanischer Herkunft]
automot. ancient caraltes Auto {n} [historisches Auto]
automot. antique carOldtimer {m}
mil. armored car [Am.]Panzerwagen {m}
mil. armoured car [Br.]Panzerwagen {m}
armoured car [Br.]gepanzertes Fahrzeug {n}
automot. automatic car [vehicle with an automatic transmission]Automatikwagen {m}
automot. autonomous carautonomes Auto {n}
rail baggage car [Am.]Gepäckwagen {m}
rail bilevel car [Am.]Doppelstockwagen {m}
toys Bobby-Car® [learn-to-walk toy car]Rutschauto {n} [Kinderrutschauto] [seltener für: Bobby-Car®]
toys Bobby-Car® [learn-to-walk toy car]Rutscherauto {n} [seltener für: Bobby-Car®]
toys Bobby-Car® [learn-to-walk toy car]Rutscherfahrzeug {n} [seltener für: Bobby-Car®]
toys Bobby-Car® [learn-to-walk toy car]Bobby-Car® {n} {m} [Rutschauto]
rail bogie carBlockwagen {m}
bonus carBonus-Auto {n}
rail box cargedeckter Güterwagen {m}
rail box car [Am.]geschlossener Güterwagen {m}
rail box car [Am.]geschlossener Güterwaggon {m}
hist. traffic breezer car [tram]Sommerwagen {m} [Straßenbahn]
bridal carBrautauto {n}
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A 2024-04-06: https://personalinjuryjusticehq.com/car-accident-liability-vs-no-fault-lia...
Q 2023-11-21: weird -- motorised transport [Br.] [by car] Kraftwagentransport {m} rev m0m
A 2023-09-20: To me a cable car is in the air, suspended from the cable - Seilbahn in AT.
A 2023-09-20: Cable car ist bei uns tatsächlich eine übliche Bezeichnung.
A 2020-11-18: News of a multiple car crash broke over the hospital radio
A 2019-01-15: Alternatively +Before seeing the car you will hear the horn+
A 2018-11-20: Car-caress - careless - carless (Tragödie in vier Wörtern)
Q 2018-09-14: convicted van, convicted car
A 2018-09-13: Among car fans and collectors you could even say:
Q 2018-06-11: Company Car Agreement
A 2018-05-10: PKW-Wert value of the car
A 2018-04-02: Car Tires and size specifications
A 2017-12-28: Ever since I had slipped away from a squad car as a boy by entering a one-...
A 2017-09-08: The car is being washed by my brotherS.
Q 2017-07-31: Murderous car wash hacking?
Q 2017-06-10: System in a car is rearmed , what does it mean
A 2017-06-02: Blades of a car spring
A 2017-02-26: vaporetto rides / cable car OR gondola rides
A 2017-02-26: Cable car
A 2017-02-20: in the car and roof rack etc. .....

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