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English-German translation for: carbide
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Dictionary English German: carbide

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
NOUN   a carbide | carbides
NOUN   das Carbid | die Carbide
tech. carbide
Hartmetall {n}
chem. carbide
Carbid {n} [fachspr.]
chem. carbide
Karbid {n}
2 Words: Others
material tech. tools carbide-coated {adj}hartmetallbeschichtet
tech. carbide-tipped {adj}hartmetallbestückt
material carbide-tipped {adj}mit Hartmetall bestückt
2 Words: Nouns
chem. aluminium carbide [Br.] [Al4C3]Aluminiumcarbid {n}
chem. aluminum carbide [Am.] [Al4C3]Aluminiumcarbid {n}
chem. beryllium carbide [Be2C]Berylliumcarbid {n}
chem. material boron carbide [B4C]Borcarbid {n}
chem. calcium carbide [CaC2]Calciumcarbid {n}
chem. calcium carbide [CaC2]Kalziumkarbid {n}
tech. carbide burKarbidbohrer {m}
tech. carbide insertHartmetalleinsatz {m}
carbide lamellaZementitlamelle {f}
carbide lampKarbidlampe {f}
material carbide slagweiße Schlacke {f}
engin. carbide sludgeHartmetallschlamm {m}
carbide tapHartmetall-Gewindebohrer {m}
carbide tipHartmetallschneide {f}
tech. carbide toolHartmetallwerkzeug {n}
tech. cemented carbideHartmetall {n}
chem. chromium carbide [Cr3C2]Chromcarbid {n} [fachspr.]
chem. chromium carbide [Cr3C2]Chromkarbid {n}
chem. iron carbide [Fe3C]Eisencarbid {n}
chem. iron carbide [Fe3C]Eisenkarbid {n}
chem. lanthanum carbide [LaC2]Lanthancarbid {n}
chem. magnesium carbide [Mg2C3]Magnesiumcarbid {n}
chem. metal carbideMetallcarbid {n}
chem. dent. silicon carbideSilit® {n}
chem. silicon carbide [SiC]Siliziumcarbid {n}
chem. silicon carbide [SiC]Siliziumkarbid {n}
material tech. solid carbideVollhartmetall {n} <VHM>
mineral. tantalum carbide <TaC>Tantalcarbid {n} <TaC>
chem. material titanium carbide [TiC]Titancarbid {n}
chem. material mineral. tungsten carbide [WC]Wolframcarbid {n}
chem. material mineral. tungsten carbide [WC]Wolframkarbid {n}
chem. vanadium carbide <VC>Vanadiumcarbid {n} <VC>
3 Words: Nouns
tools calcium carbide meter [calcium carbide measuring instrument]Calciumcarbid-Messgerät {n} <CM-Messgerät>
constr. tech. calcium carbide method <CM method>Calciumcarbid-Methode {f} <CM-Methode> [CM-Messung]
constr. tech. calcium carbide method <CM method>Calciumcarbid-Verfahren {n} <CM-Verfahren> [CM-Messung]
constr. tech. calcium carbide method <CM method>Kalziumkarbid-Methode {f} <CM-Methode> [CM-Messung]
tools carbide drum openerKarbidtrommelöffner {m}
carbide of ironZementit {m}
tools solid carbide drillVollhartmetallbohrer {m}
solid carbide tapVollhartmetall-Gewindebohrer {m}
tech. tools solid carbide toolVollhartmetall-Werkzeug {n} [auch: VHM-Werkzeug]
solid-carbide tipVollhartmetall-Schneidenkopf {m}
chem. tantalum hafnium carbide [Ta4HfC5]Tantalhafniumcarbid {n}
dent. tech. tungsten carbide burHartmetallbohrer {m}
tungsten carbide steelWolframkarbidstahl {m}
tungsten carbide studHartmetallspike {f}
material tech. tungsten carbide tipWolframcarbid-Spitze {f} [auch: Wolframcarbidspitze]
4 Words: Nouns
tools calcium carbide measuring instrument <CM instrument, CCM instrument>Calciumcarbid-Messgerät {n} <CM-Gerät, CCM-Gerät>
tech. tools solid carbide milling cutterVollhartmetallfräser {m} [auch: Vollhartmetall-Fräser, VHM-Fräser]
water-to-carbide generatorWasserzuflussentwickler {m}
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