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English-German translation for: carcinoma
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Dictionary English German: carcinoma

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NOUN   a carcinoma | carcinomas/carcinomata
med. carcinoma
Karzinom {n}
med. carcinoma
Krebsgeschwulst {f} [auch {n}]
2 Words: Nouns
med. adenosquamous carcinoma <ASC>adenosquamöses Karzinom {n}
med. adrenocortical carcinoma <ACC>Nebennierenrindenkarzinom {n} <NN-Karzinom>
med. adrenocortical carcinoma <ACC>adrenokortikales Karzinom {n} <ACC>
med. anal carcinomaAnalkarzinom {n}
med. basaloid carcinoma <BC>basaloides Karzinom {n}
med. breast carcinomaBrustkarzinom {n} [auch: Brust-Karzinom]
med. breast carcinomaMammakarzinom {n} [Brustkrebs]
med. bronchial carcinomaBronchialkarzinom {n}
med. bronchial carcinomabronchogenes Karzinom {n}
med. bronchial carcinoma <BC>Bronchuskarzinom {n}
med. bronchioloalveolar carcinoma <BAC>bronchioloalveoläres Karzinom {n} <BAC>
med. bronchogenic carcinoma <BC>bronchogenes Karzinom {n}
med. caecum carcinoma [Br.]Zäkumkarzinom {n}
med. cardia carcinomaKardiakarzinom {n}
med. cecum carcinoma [Am.]Zäkumkarzinom {n}
med. cell carcinoma <CC>Zellkarzinom {n}
med. cervical carcinoma [Carcinoma cervicis uteri]Kollumkarzinom {n}
med. cervical carcinoma <CC>Gebärmutterhalskrebs {m} <GHK>
med. cervical carcinoma <CC>Zervixkarzinom {n} <ZK>
med. cholangiocellular carcinoma <CCC>cholangiozelluläres Karzinom {n}
med. chorion carcinoma <CC> [choriocarcinoma]Chorionkarzinom {n}
med. chorionic carcinoma [choriocarcinoma]Chorionkarzinom {n}
med. cloacogenic carcinoma <CC>kloakogenes Karzinom {n}
med. colloid carcinoma [Carcinoma colloides]Schleimkrebs {m}
med. colloid carcinoma <CC> [Carcinoma colloides]Kolloidkarzinom {n}
med. colloid carcinoma <CC> [Carcinoma colloides]Kolloidkrebs {m}
med. collum carcinoma [rare] [cervical carcinoma]Kollumkarzinom {n}
med. colon carcinomaKolonkarzinom {n}
med. colonic carcinomaKolonkarzinom {n}
med. colorectal carcinomakolorektales Karzinom {n}
med. corpus carcinomaKorpuskarzinom {n}
med. early carcinomaFrühkarzinom {n}
med. embryonal carcinoma <EC>embryonales Karzinom {n} <EC>
med. endocervical carcinomaZervixhöhlenkarzinom {n}
med. epipharyngeal carcinoma <EPC>Epipharynxkarzinom {n}
med. eyelid carcinomaLidkarzinom {n}
med. fibrolamellar carcinoma <FLC>fibrolamelläres Karzinom {n} <FLC>
med. gallbladder carcinomaGallenblasenkarzinom {n}
med. gastric carcinomaMagenkarzinom {n}
med. gastrointestinal carcinomagastrointestinales Karzinom {n}
med. gingival carcinomaGingivakarzinom {n} [auch: Gingiva-Karzinom]
med. gingival carcinomaZahnfleischkarzinom {n}
med. glottic carcinomaGlottiskarzinom {n}
med. glottic carcinomaglottisches Karzinom {n}
med. hepatocellular carcinoma <HCC>hepatozelluläres Karzinom {n} <HCC; HZK>
med. hepatocellular carcinoma <HCC> [Carcinoma hepatocellulare]hepatocelluläres Carcinom {n} <HCC> [Rsv.]
med. invasive carcinoma <IC>invasives Karzinom {n} <IK>
dent. med. jaw carcinomaKieferkarzinom {n}
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A 2021-05-06: carcinoma of the tongue
A 2018-07-21: "Renal Medullary Carcinoma" #894231 ; ich lese hier z. B. "medulläres Ka...
A 2018-07-21: @Wenz: Collecting Duct Renal Cell Carcinoma
A 2014-11-15: Chimney sweeps' carcinoma
A 2003-12-29: carcinoma; malignant growth

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