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English-German translation for: cardiology diagnostics
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cardiology diagnostics in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: cardiology diagnostics

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

med. MedTech. cardiology diagnostics [treated as sg.]Herzdiagnostik {f}
Partial Matches
acad. med. cardiologyHerzmedizin {f} [Kardiologie]
acad. med. cardiologyKardiologie {f}
med. cardiology clinicHerzklinik {f}
med. interventional cardiologyinterventionelle Kardiologie {f}
med. nuclear cardiologyNuklearkardiologie {f}
VetMed. zool. reptile cardiologyReptilienkardiologie {f}
med. paediatric cardiology [Br.]Kinderkardiologie {f} <KK>
med. pediatric cardiology [Am.]Kinderkardiologie {f} <KK>
med. research in the field of cardiologyHerz- und Kreislaufforschung {f}
diagnostics {adj}diagnostisch
pharm. diagnosticsDiagnostika {pl}
diagnosticsFehlerdiagnose {f}
diagnosticsFehlersuche {f}
chem. MedTech. laboratory diagnosticsLaboratoriumsdiagnostik {f}
MedTech. medical diagnosticsmedizinische Diagnostik {f}
MedTech. nuclear diagnosticsNukleardiagnostik {f}
sports stat. tech. performance diagnosticsLeistungsdiagnostik {f}
med. preimplantation diagnosticsPräimplantationsdiagnostik {f} <PID>
MedTech. preimplantation diagnosticspräimplantologische Diagnostik {f}
med. prenatal diagnosticsPränataldiagnostik {f}
med. prenatal diagnosticspränatale Diagnostik {f}
med. prenatal diagnosticsvorgeburtliche Diagnostik {f}
med. psychological diagnosticspsychologische Diagnostik {f}
MedTech. radiation diagnosticsStrahlendiagnostik {f}
tech. remote diagnosticsFerndiagnose {f}
med. renal diagnosticsNierendiagnostik {f}
med. thyroid diagnosticsSchilddrüsendiagnostik {f}
med. tubal diagnosticstubare Diagnostik {f}
med. ultrasonic diagnosticsUltraschalldiagnostik {f}
med. ultrasound diagnosticsUltraschalldiagnostik {f}
med. ambulatory sleep diagnosticsambulante Schlafdiagnostik {f}
MedTech. conventional native diagnosticskonventionelle Nativdiagnostik {f}
med. MedTech. functional diagnostics (department)Funktionsdiagnostik {f} [Abteilung, Stelle]
med. in-vitro diagnosticsIn-vitro-Diagnostik {f}
med. in-vivo diagnosticsIn-vivo-Diagnostik {f}
audio inner ear diagnosticsInnenohrdiagnostik {f}
biotech. MedTech. molecular genetic diagnosticsmolekulargenetische Diagnostik {f}
MedTech. nuclear medicine diagnosticsnuklearmedizinische Diagnostik {f}
med. outpatient sleep diagnosticsambulante Schlafdiagnostik {f}
MedTech. pre-implant diagnosticspräimplantologische Diagnostik {f}
biotech. predictive genetic diagnosticsprädiktive Gendiagnostik {f}
med. soft-tissue diagnosticsWeichteildiagnostik {f}
MedTech. X-ray diagnosticsRöntgendiagnostik {f}
diagnostics [treated as sg.]Diagnostik {f}
automot. on-board diagnostics <OBD>On-Board-Diagnose {f} <OBD>
automot. vehicle diagnostics system <VDS>Fahrzeugdiagnosesystem {n}
med. basic diagnostics [treated as sg.]Basisdiagnostik {f}
med. cancer diagnostics [treated as sg.]Krebsdiagnostik {f}
med. clinical diagnostics [treated as sg.]Diagnostik {f}
acad. art lit. culture diagnostics [treated as sg.]Kulturdiagnostik {f}
med. differential diagnostics [treated as sg.]Differentialdiagnostik {f} <DD>
med. differential diagnostics [treated as sg.]Differenzialdiagnostik {f} <DD>
med. electroneural diagnostics [treated as sg.]Elektroneuraldiagnostik {f}
med. enzymatic diagnostics [treated as sg.]Enzymdiagnostik {f}
med. enzyme diagnostics [treated as sg.]Enzymdiagnostik {f}
med. MedTech. eye diagnostics [treated as sg.]Augendiagnostik {f}
biochem. med. gene diagnostics [treated as sg.]Gendiagnostik {f}
biochem. med. genetic diagnostics [treated as sg.]Gendiagnostik {f}
laboratory diagnostics [treated as sg.]Labordiagnostik {f}
med. liquor diagnostics [treated as sg.]Liquordiagnostik {f}
med. MedTech. localization diagnostics [treated as sg.]Lokalisationsdiagnostik {f}
med. molecular diagnostics [treated as sg.]Molekulardiagnostik {f}
med. psych. process diagnostics [treated as sg.]Prozessdiagnostik {f}
routine diagnostics [treated as sg.]Routinediagnostik {f}
med. MedTech. sleep diagnostics [treated as sg.]Schlafdiagnostik {f}
med. urine diagnostics [treated as sg.]Urindiagnostik {f}
MedTech. X-ray systems for diagnosticsRöntgensysteme {pl} für Diagnostik
med. MedTech. haemostasis diagnostics [Br.] [treated as sg.]Hämostasediagnostik {f}
med. MedTech. hemostasis diagnostics [Am.] [treated as sg.]Hämostasediagnostik {f}
lab diagnostics [treated as sg.] [coll.]Labordiagnostik {f}
med. tumor diagnostics [Am.] [treated as sg.]Tumordiagnostik {f}
med. MedTech. complementary mamma diagnostics [treated as sg.]komplementäre Mammadiagnostik {f}
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