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English-German translation for: cards
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Dictionary English German: cards

Translation 1 - 50 of 99  >>

English German
NOUN   a card | cards
VERB  to card | carded | carded
carding | cards
SYNO   card game | cards
Karten {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
games to cut cardsKarten abheben
games to deal cardsKarten austeilen
games to mark cards [cheating]Karten zinken [ugs.] [Mogeln]
games to play cardskarteln [ugs.] [regional]
games to play cardskarten [selten] [Karten spielen]
to scramble cardsKarten durcheinandermischen
games to shuffle cardsKarten mischen
games to shuffle cardsSpielkarten mischen
2 Words: Nouns
games (playing) cardsBlatt {pl} [mit Angabe der Anzahl: 36 Blatt, 52 Blatt usw.]
esot. psych. affirmation cardsAffirmationskarten {pl}
art publ. art cardsKunstkarten {pl}
sports baseball cardsBaseballkarten {pl}
business cardsVisitenkarten {pl}
Christmas cardsWeihnachtskarten {pl}
collector cardsSammelbilder {pl}
games community cardsGemeinschaftskarten {pl} [Kartenspiel]
games court cardsFigurenkarten {pl}
cue cardsKarteikarten {pl}
drawing cardsZugnummern {pl}
file cardsKarteikarten {pl}
filing cardsKarteikarten {pl}
index cardsKarteikarten {pl}
esot. Lenormand cardsLenormandkarten {pl} [auch: Lenormand-Karten]
art lobby cards {pl}Aushangbilder {pl}
gastr. menu cardsMenükarten {pl}
place cardsPlatzkarten {pl}
place cardsTischkarten {pl}
games playing cardsKartenspielen {n}
games playing cardsSpielkarten {pl}
record cardsKarteikarten {pl}
esot. tarot cardsTarot-Karten {pl}
trading cardsTauschkarten {pl}
visiting cardsVisitenkarten {pl}
wedding cardsHochzeitskarten {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
games to cheat at cardsbeim Kartenspiel betrügen
games to cheat at cardsbeim Kartenspiel schwindeln
games to cheat at cardsbeim Kartenspielen betrügen
games to cheat at cardsbeim Kartenspielen mogeln [ugs.]
esot. to consult the cardsdie Karten befragen
games to cut the cardsKarten abheben
games to cut the cardsdie Karten kupieren [veraltet] [abheben]
games to deal out cardsKarten austeilen
games to deal out cardsSpielkarten austeilen
games to deal the cardsdie Karten austeilen
games to fan (playing) cardsKarten fächern [Spielkarten fächern]
games to look at sb.'s cardsjdm. in die Karten schauen
games to play at cardsKarten spielen
games to show one's cardsseine Karten aufdecken
to show one's cards [also fig.]Farbe bekennen [auch fig.]
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A 2018-09-18: Buy biometric passports, degrees, driving license, ID Certificates cards
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Q 2018-01-18: Buy high-quality registered passports, driver's license, ID cards
A 2017-11-11: My suggestion aims at several keywords jotted down on one sheet. From expe...
Q 2017-08-28: Cards facing up / down
Q 2017-04-25: Purchase high quality fake and real passports,id cards,driver license on...
A 2017-04-09: > you read +/red/+ my cards / I had my cards read +/red/+ by you
A 2017-04-09: to read the cards to s.b.
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