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English-German translation for: care of the hair
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Dictionary English German: care of the hair

Translation 1 - 50 of 95514  >>

care of the hairHaarpflege {f}
Partial Matches
cosmet. hair careHaarpflege {f}
cosmet. hair care oilHaarpflegeöl {n}
cosmet. hair-care productHaarpflegemittel {n}
cosmet. hair-care productHaarpflegeprodukt {n}
combing of the hairKämmen {n} des Haars
growth of (the) hairHaarwuchs {m}
hair of the beardBarthaar {n}
zool. hair of the furFellhaare {pl}
lie of the hairHaarstrich {m} [von Fell]
parting of the hairScheitel {m}
softening of (the) hairHaarerweichung {f}
care of the bodyKörperpflege {f}
care of the clothesKleiderpflege {f}
care of the disabledBehindertenpflege {f}
law care of the elderly[pflegerische] Versorgung {f} im Alter
care of the elderlyAltenbetreuung {f}
care of the elderlyAltenpflege {f}
care of the elderlyAltersfürsorge {f}
care of the feetFußpflege {f}
care of the graveGrabpflege {f}
care of the handicappedBehindertenpflege {f}
care of the healthGesundheitspflege {f}
dent. care of the mouthMundpflege {f}
care of the poorArmenfürsorge {f}
care of the sickKrankenpflege {f}
med. care of the sickKrankenversorgung {f} [Pflege]
cosmet. care of the skinHautpflege {f}
dent. care of the teethZahnpflege {f}
colour of the hair [Br.]Haarfarbe {f}
greying of the hair [Br.]Ergrauen {n} des Haares
hair of the dog [coll.]Katerbier {n} [ugs.]
hair of the dog [coll.]Konterbier {n}
hair of the dog [coll.]Reparaturseidl {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
med. inflammation of the hair folliclesHaarfollikelentzündung {f}
med. lousiness of the head / hairKopfläusebefall {m}
anat. root of a / the hairHaarwurzel {f}
relig. pastoral care of the agedAltenseelsorge {f}
med. relig. pastoral care of the sickKrankenseelsorge {f}
hair of the dog [coll.] [wine]Reparaturachterl {n} [österr.]
dent. care of the mouth and teethMund- und Zahnpflege {f}
to commit sb. to the care of Godjdn. der Güte des Herrn übergeben
to blush to the roots of one's hairbis in die Haarspitzen erröten
to blush to the roots of one's hairbis über beide Ohren erröten
VetMed. zool. T
relig. Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care WorkersPäpstlicher Rat {m} für die Pastoral im Krankendienst
proverb Take care of the pence / pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert.
to commit sb. to the care of sb.jdn. in jds. Obhut übergeben
cosmet. to condition the hairdas Haar mit Conditioner behandeln
to dress the hairfrisieren
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