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English-German translation for: carp
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Dictionary English German: carp

Translation 1 - 50 of 90  >>

English German
NOUN   a carp | carp/carps
VERB  to carp | carped | carped ... 
SYNO   to carp | to cavil | to chicane
to carp
nörgeln [pej.] [kleinlich kritisch sein]
to carp
beckmessern [pej.]
fish T
carp {pl}
Karpfen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to carp about sth.an etw.Dat. herummäkeln [ugs.]
to carp about sth.an etw.Dat. rummäkeln [ugs.]
to carp about sth.über etw. kritteln
to carp about sth.über etw. mäkeln
to carp atFehler finden
to carp at sb.jdn. bekritteln
to carp at sb./sth.an jdm./etw. herumnörgeln [ugs.]
to carp at sth.über etw.Akk. nörgeln [pej.]
2 Words: Nouns
fish carp anglingKarpfenangeln {n}
carp banner [koi-nobori, festival, 5 March]Karpfenfahne {f}
carp basinKarpfenbassin {n}
fish furn. carp bedchairKarpfenliege {f}
gastr. Unverified carp blueKarpfen {m} blau
agr. fish jobs carp breederKarpfenzüchter {m}
agr. fish carp breedingKarpfenzucht {f}
fish furn. carp chairKarpfenstuhl {m}
fish carp pondKarpfenteich {m}
carp pondKarpfenweiher {m}
gastr. Christmas carpWeihnachtskarpfen {m}
fish grass carp [Ctenopharyngodon idella]Amurkarpfen {m}
gastr. poached carpKarpfen {m} blau
fish wild carpWildkarpfen {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to carp at / about sth.etw. kritisieren
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. carp hard roeKarpfenrogner {m}
gastr. carp soft roeKarpfenmilchner {m}
archaeo. weapons carp's tongue swordKarpfenzungenschwert {n}
4 Words: Nouns
fish VetMed. spring viraemia of carp <SVC> [Br.]Frühlingsvirämie {f} der Karpfen
fish VetMed. spring viremia of carp <SVC> [Am.]Frühlingsvirämie {f} der Karpfen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
fish T
Karpfen {m}
fish T
Giebel {m}
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
entom. T
orn. T
orn. T
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A 2009-01-19: 'carp' ist wahrscheinlich richtig, aber 'castigate' fängt auch mit C an
A 2009-01-19: http://www.dict.cc/?s=to+carp
A 2007-12-09: to carp at s.b.
A 2007-03-15: what a lot of carp.
A 2006-08-16: Or is there nothing to carp about? Because everything just bursts with cor...
A 2005-04-20: carp / nag at

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