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English-German translation for: carpet
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Dictionary English German: carpet

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NOUN   a carpet | carpets
VERB  to carpet | carpeted | carpeted ... 
SYNO   carpet | carpeting | rug
to carpet sb. [Br.] [coll.] [reprimand severely]
jdn. herunterputzen [ugs.]
to carpet [Br.] [coll.]
to carpet sb. [Br.] [coll.]
jdn. zusammenstauchen [ugs.]
to carpetmit Teppich belegen
to carpet sb. [Br.] [coll.] [reprimand severely]jdm. die Leviten lesen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Teppich {m}
Teppichboden {m}
furn. carpet [long and narrow]
Läufer {m} [Teppich]
2 Words: Others
carpet-like {adj}teppichartig
2 Words: Nouns
market. advertising carpetWerbeteppich {m}
Axminster carpetAxminsterteppich {m}
Axminster carpetAxminster-Teppich {m}
textil. bedside carpetBettvorleger {m}
Berber carpetBerberteppich {m}
mil. bomb carpetBombenteppich {m}
carpet backRückseite {f} des Teppichs
carpet backingTeppichbeschichtung {f} [auf Unterseite]
carpet bagReisetasche {f}
tools carpet beaterAusklopfer {m} [Teppichklopfer]
tools carpet beaterPracker {m} [österr.]
tools carpet beaterTeppichklopfer {m}
hort. carpet beddingTeppichbeet {n}
mil. carpet bombingFlächenbombardement {n}
carpet bombingFlächenbombardierung {f}
aviat. mil. carpet bombing [coll.]Teppichwurf {m} [ugs.]
carpet brushTeppichbürste {f}
carpet careTeppichpflege {f}
carpet cleanerTeppichreiniger {m}
carpet cleaningTeppichreinigung {f}
dance carpet danceHausball {m} [veraltend]
comm. jobs textil. carpet dealerTeppichhändler {m}
carpet dealer [female]Teppichhändlerin {f}
carpet designTeppichdesign {n} [auch: Teppich-Design]
jobs carpet designerTeppichdesigner {m} [auch: Teppich-Designer]
jobs carpet designer [female]Teppichdesignerin {f} [auch: Teppich-Designerin]
carpet feltTeppichfilz {m}
carpet fiber [Am.]Teppichfaser {f}
jobs carpet fitterTeppichleger {m}
jobs carpet fitter [female]Teppichlegerin {f}
carpet fittingTeppichverlegung {f}
carpet flooringTeppichbodenbelag {m}
carpet foamTeppichschaum {m}
carpet foamTeppichschnee {m}
carpet fringesTeppichfransen {pl}
carpet hangerTeppichstange {f}
textil. carpet industryTeppichindustrie {f}
tools carpet knifeCutter {m} [Messer]
tools carpet knifeTeppichmesser {n}
carpet layerTeppichleger {m}
carpet layerTeppichverleger {m}
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A 2016-01-12: Dirt under the carpet
A 2015-09-28: Grasteppich / Rasenteppich > carpet of turf, velvet lawn
A 2012-06-26: But we have had the enormous carpet beater! :-))
A 2012-06-10: knotting = carpet making?
A 2012-02-24: It's a very hard-wearing carpet, which will last a long time in places whe...
Q 2012-02-23: commercial carpet
Q 2011-05-25: Socala Tweed Stitch carpet
Q 2010-12-04: red-carpet B-roll (movie related)
A 2010-09-15: carpet loom
A 2010-09-14: carpet makers
A 2010-09-14: carpet weavers
A 2010-07-04: Hmm. So what does Transparency International do, then? Sweep corruption un...
A 2010-02-23: Or in BE - shag pile/shag-pile/shagpile carpet
A 2010-02-23: shag carpet
A 2009-04-24: Dann schätze ich, dass "to work on the carpet" = "auf der Matte arbeiten" ...
A 2009-01-24: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22traffic+lanes%22+carpet&btnG=Goo...
A 2008-10-26: carpet-shell ist eine Muschel...
Q 2008-10-26: carpet-shell meat
Q 2008-09-15: red-carpet speakeasies
A 2008-09-13: ..all over the carpet...

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