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English-German translation for: cases
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Dictionary English German: cases

Translation 1 - 50 of 132  >>

English German
NOUN   a case | cases
VERB  to case | cased | cased
casing | cases
sth. cases
etw. verkleidet [ein Objekt]
Fälle {pl}
law ling. cases
Kasus {pl} [langes »u«]
Etuis {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
brutality casesFälle {pl} von Brutalität
med. clinical casesklinische Fälle {pl}
med. confirmed casesbestätigte Fälle {pl}
criminal casesKriminalfälle {pl}
criminal casesStrafsachen {pl}
med. Ebola casesEbola-Fälle {pl}
fish egg cases [also: egg capsules, mermaid's purses, etc.]Eikapseln {pl}
example casesFallbeispiele {pl}
exceptional casesAusnahmefälle {pl}
extreme casesExtremfälle {pl}
med. stat. incidence casesInzidenzfälle {pl}
individual casesEinzelfälle {pl}
isolated casesEinzelfälle {pl}
law law casesRechtsfälle {pl}
med. malaria casesMalariafälle {pl}
mild casesleichte Fälle {pl}
packing casesVerpackungsbehälter {pl}
pillow casesKopfkissenbezüge {pl}
seed casesSamenbehälter {pl}
show casesSchaukästen {pl}
single casesEinzelfälle {pl}
special casesSonderfälle {pl}
med. stroke casesSchlaganfälle {pl} [ugs. Schlaganfallpatienten]
med. terminal casesunheilbar Kranke {pl}
test casesSchulbeispiele {pl}
tech. test casesTestfälle {pl}
mus. violin casesGeigenkästen {pl}
warranty casesGarantiefälle {pl}
wheel casesRadkästen {pl}
writing casesSchreibmappen {pl}
3 Words: Others
Circumstances alter cases.Es kommt auf die Umstände an.
in all cases {adv}in allen Fällen
in cases wheredort, wo [in Fällen, wo]
in certain cases {adv}in bestimmten Fällen
in certain cases {adv}in gewissen Fällen
in emergency cases {adv}in Notfällen
in exceptional cases {adv}in Ausnahmefällen
in extreme cases {adv}im Extremfall
in extreme cases {adv}in Extremfällen
in extreme cases {adv}in extremen Fällen
in individual cases {adv}im Einzelfall
in individual cases {adv}in Einzelfällen
in many cases {adv}häufig
in many cases {adv}vielfach [ugs.] [(recht) oft, in vielen Fällen]
in many cases {adv}in vielen Fällen
in most cases {adv}meist
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A 2023-04-17: but in most cases it is obvious which of the similar-looking words is correct.
A 2023-04-17: I disagree with disambiguation in cases like that. Lots of words look similar.
Q 2020-06-23: Welch- which, which one - using cases
A 2019-07-12: Informality has its pitfalls. It suggests a chumminess which in most cases...
A 2019-04-21: typification based on analogous cases
A 2018-11-28: ... and in some cases highly skilled obstruction ...
A 2018-10-12: Wie Paul schreibt, können meiner Meinung nach "disambiguation useful in bo...
A 2018-01-05: Not quite the same thing as +legal abuse+ may very well be restricted to o...
Q 2017-12-13: Cases, der eine, die eine
A 2017-06-17: client, in some cases
A 2017-04-11: In some cases possibly +latched on to the soul / caught at the soul / seiz...
A 2016-09-15: In IT-DE cases are always added. I would suggest that we also do that in E...
A 2016-08-15: I agree with romy and Wenz that our longstanding PRACTICE-RULE in such cases
A 2016-03-18: In other cases a comma is allowed now.
A 2016-03-13: Either is correct in both cases.
Q 2015-08-20: Examples and Use Cases of Each Role
Q 2015-08-19: despite any meaningful user cases
A 2015-07-03: In cases like this,
A 2015-06-18: +keeper+ for insurance purposes is the +registered keeper+ — either the ow...
A 2015-06-02: given your text posted above I'd go with praktikabel in both cases.

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