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English-German translation for: cashmere sweater
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Dictionary English German: cashmere sweater

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

NOUN   a cashmere sweater | cashmere sweaters
cloth. cashmere sweaterKaschmirpulli {m}
Partial Matches
textil. cashmereKaschmir {m}
cashmere white {adj}kaschmirweiß
textil. cashmere (wool)Kaschmirwolle {f}
textil. cashmere (wool)Kaschmirwollstoff {m}
cloth. cashmere jerseyKaschmirpullover {m}
cloth. cashmere pulloverKaschmirpullover {m}
cloth. cashmere scarfKaschmirschal {m}
cloth. cashmere shawlKaschmirschal {m}
geogr. Cashmere [spv.] [Kashmir]Kaschmir {n}
cloth. cashmere jumper [Br.]Kaschmirpulli {m}
cloth. cashmere jumper [Br.]Kaschmirpullover {m}
zool. T
cloth. sweaterPulli {m} [ugs.]
cloth. sweaterPullover {m}
cloth. sweaterSweater {m}
cloth. alpaca sweaterAlpakapulli {m}
cloth. cotton sweaterBaumwollpulli {m}
cloth. cotton sweaterBaumwollpullover {m}
cloth. crochet sweaterHäkelpulli {m}
cloth. crochet sweaterHäkelpullover {m}
dog sweaterHundepullover {m}
cloth. heavy sweaterdicker Pullover {m}
cloth. hooded sweaterKapuzenpulli {m}
cloth. hoodie sweaterKapuzenpullover {m}
cloth. Icelandic sweaterIslandpullover {m}
cloth. Islandic sweaterIslandpullover {m}
cloth. knit sweaterStrickpulli {m}
cloth. knitted sweaterStrickpulli {m}
cloth. knitted sweaterStricktroyer {m}
cloth. Marius sweaterMarius-Pullover {m}
cloth. mohair sweaterMohairpulli {m}
cloth. Norwegian sweaterNorwegerpullover {m}
cloth. pullover sweaterPullover {m}
cloth. school sweaterSchulpullover {m} [als Teil einer Schuluniform]
cloth. sweater braPulli-BH {m}
cloth. sweater braPullover-BH {m}
cloth. sweater dressSweaterkleid {n}
cloth. sweater vestPullunder {m}
cloth. sweater vestWestover {m} [veraltet bzw. selten] [Pullunder]
cloth. winter sweaterWinterpullover {m}
sweater [dated] [pej.]Ausbeuter {m} [bes. Arbeitgeber] [pej.]
cloth. favorite sweater [Am.]Lieblingspulli {m} [ugs.]
cloth. favourite sweater [Br.]Lieblingspulli {m} [ugs.]
cloth. fisherman's sweaterFischerpullover {m}
cloth. turtleneck sweater [Am.]Rollkragenpulli {m}
cloth. turtleneck sweater [Am.]Rollkragenpullover {m}
cloth. cable-knit sweaterPullover {m} mit Zopfmuster
textil. crew neck sweaterPullover {m} mit Rundhalsausschnitt
cloth. half-zip sweaterSeemannspullover {m}
cloth. half-zip sweaterTroyer {m}
cloth. low neck sweaterausgeschnittener Pullover {m}
cloth. skinny-rib sweaterRippenpullover {m}
sweater [dated] [pej.] [person]Schinder {m} [pej.] [Leuteschinder; z. B.: Arbeitgeber]
educ. regulation sweater [esp. Am.]Schulpullover {m}
cloth. sleeveless sweater [Am.] [Can.]Pullunder {m}
sweater girl [sl.] [obs.]kurvenreiches Mädchen {n}
cloth. Breton (seaman's) sweaterMatrosenpullover {m}
cloth. polo-neck sweater [Br.]Rollkragenpulli {m}
cloth. polo-neck sweater [Br.]Rollkragenpullover {m}
sports sweater number [in team sports] [dated]Rückennummer {f} [bei Mannschaftssportarten]
You've got your sweater on backwards.Du hast den Pullover / Sweater verkehrt (herum) an.
sweater [dated] [pej.] [employer who underpays and overworks employees]Leuteschinder {m} [pej.]
You've got your sweater on back to front.Du hast den Pullover / Sweater verkehrt (herum) an.
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