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English-German translation for: casualty
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Dictionary English German: casualty

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
NOUN   a casualty | casualties
SYNO   casualty | fatal accident ... 
casualty [also fig.]
Opfer {n}
casualty [fatal victim]
Todesopfer {n}
Verletzter {m}
FireResc med. casualty [Br.] [department]
Notaufnahme {f} [Station]
Unfallopfer {n}
casualty [accident]
Unfall {m}
casualty [female]
Verletzte {f}
Verwundeter {m}
casualty [of an accident]
Verunglückter {m}
insur. casualty [fatal victim]
Todesfall {m} [Todesopfer]
casualty [accident]
Unglücksfall {m}
casualty [female]
Verunglückte {f}
FireResc med. casualty [Br.] [short for: casualty department]
Unfallambulanz {f} [im Krankenhaus]
2 Words: Others
mil. high-casualty {adj} [attr.] [e.g. battle]verlustreich [z. B. Kampf]
2 Words: Nouns
accident casualtyUnfallopfer {n}
accident casualtyVerunfallter {m} [amtsspr.] [auch schweiz.]
FireResc med. casualty (department) [Br.]Notaufnahmestelle {f} [im Krankenhaus]
FireResc med. casualty (department) [Br.]Unfallstation {f}
med. casualty clinicUnfallklinik {f}
insur. casualty companyUnfallversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
FireResc med. casualty department [Br.]Notaufnahme {f}
FireResc med. casualty department [Br.]Notaufnahmeabteilung {f}
FireResc med. casualty department [Br.]Unfallambulanz {f}
med. casualty department <casualty dept.> [Br.]Ambulanz {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Unfallambulanz]
med. casualty department <casualty dept.> [Br.]Unfallchirurgie {f} [Abteilung]
med. casualty doctorUnfallarzt {m}
med. casualty doctor [Br.]Notarzt {m} [bei Unfällen etc.]
med. casualty doctor [female]Unfallärztin {f}
mil. casualty evacuation <CASEVAC>Evakuierung {f} Verwundeter
casualty figureOpferzahl {f}
mil. casualty figuresOpferzahlen {pl}
stat. traffic casualty figures {pl} [of persons killed in accidents]Opferzahl {f} [von im Verkehr getöteten Personen]
casualty identificationIdentifizierung {f} eines Verunglückten
insur. casualty insuranceUnfallschutz {m}
insur. casualty insuranceUnfallversicherung {f}
casualty listVerlustliste {f}
casualty listVerwundetenmeldung {f}
casualty rateOpferzahl {f}
mil. casualty rateVerlustquote {f}
casualty rateVerlustrate {f}
insur. casualty rate [injured people]Verletztenrate {f}
mil. naut. casualty reportDreisternemeldung {f} [Verlustmeldung]
mil. casualty reportVerlustmeldung {f}
casualty returnVerwundetenmeldung {f}
jobs med. casualty surgeonUnfallchirurg {m}
jobs med. casualty surgeon [female]Unfallchirurgin {f}
acad. med. casualty surgery [branch of medicine]Unfallchirurgie {f} [Teilgebiet der Chirurgie]
med. casualty wardUnfallstation {f}
med. casualty ward [Br.]Unfallchirurgie {f} [Abteilung]
mil. gas casualtyGasopfer {n}
med. mil. gas casualtyKampfgasopfer {n}
naut. maritime casualtySeeunfall {m}
minor casualtyLeichtverwundeter {m}
traffic road casualtyVerkehrsopfer {n}
traffic road casualtyVerkehrstoter {m}
serious casualtySchwerverwundeter {m}
3 Words: Nouns
med. mil. casualty clearing stationFeldlazarett {n}
sports long-term casualtyLangzeitverletzter {m}
naut. maritime casualty investigationSeeunfalluntersuchung {f}
FireResc mass casualty incident <MCI>Massenanfall {m} von Verletzten <MANV>
FireResc med. multiple-casualty incident <MCI>Massenanfall {m} von Verletzten <MANV>
4 Words: Nouns
naut. maritime casualty investigation boardSeeamt {n}
insur. property and casualty insuranceKompositversicherung {f} [Oberbegriff für alle Versicherungszweige, die ein Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherungsunternehmen betreiben darf]
insur. property and casualty insurance [Am.]Nichtlebensversicherung {f}
5+ Words: Others
EU In case of accident by inhalation: remove casualty to fresh air and keep at rest. [safety phrase S63]Bei Unfall durch Einatmen: Verunfallten an die frische Luft bringen und ruhigstellen. [Sicherheitssatz S63]
5+ Words: Nouns
insur. property and casualty insurance companyKompositversicherer {m} [Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherungsunternehmen]
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A 2014-05-09: "The first casualty when war comes is truth" (Hiram W Johnson)
A 2009-11-11: As far as I can tell from avidly watching Casualty
A 2009-11-11: casualty clinic
Q 2009-09-28: Motor Unit + Casualty Section
A 2009-09-04: Was denn sonst? +casualty+ noun (casualties) 1 someone killed or hurt +in ...
A 2009-09-04: Krieg oder Unfall sind doch nicht konstituierend für den Begriff "casualty...
A 2009-09-04: Definitions Here we have neither military action nor an accident; the l...
A 2009-09-04: casualty - someone who is *hurt* or killed in an accident or war (Longman,...
Q 2007-02-04: to carry a casualty
A 2006-08-21: Unfallklinik (auch) > casualty clinic
A 2006-02-05: casualty collection point
Q 2005-10-27: Casualty of War
A 2005-09-05: casualty collecting point [mil.] > LINK

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