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English-German translation for: catalogue
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Dictionary English German: catalogue

Translation 1 - 50 of 150  >>

English German
NOUN   a catalogue | catalogues
VERB  to catalogue | catalogued | catalogued ... 
SYNO   to catalog | to catalogue
to catalogue
to catalogue
Katalog {m}
Liste {f}
Prospekt {m} {n}
Verzeichnis {n}
Register {n}
2 Words: Nouns
comm. additional catalogueZusatzkatalog {m}
alphabetical cataloguealphabetischer Katalog {m}
art publ. art catalogueKunstkatalog {m}
comm. auction catalogueAuktionskatalog {m}
auction catalogueVersteigerungskatalog {m}
libr. author catalogueAutorenkatalog {m}
libr. author catalogueVerfasserkatalog {m}
comm. autumn catalogueHerbstkatalog {m}
med. benefits catalogueLeistungskatalog {m} [Gesundheitswirtschaft]
book catalogueBücherkatalog {m}
libr. card catalogueZettelkatalog {m}
mus. catalogue ariaKatalogarie {f} [z. B. Mozart]
tech. catalogue bearingKataloglager {n} [Lager aus einem Katalog]
furn. catalogue cabinetKatalogschrank {m}
catalogue cardKatalogkarte {f}
catalogue cardKatalogzettel {m}
comm. jobs catalogue distributorProspektverteiler {m}
catalogue drawerKatalogschubkasten {m}
catalogue entryKatalogeintrag {m}
catalogue labellingKatalogschild {n}
catalogue numberKatalognummer {f}
comm. catalogue number [for ordering an item to purchase]Bestellnummer {f} [Katalognummer]
catalogue orderKatalogbestellung {f}
catalogue priceListenpreis {m}
catalogue pricesKatalogpreise {pl}
art catalogue raisonnéWerkverzeichnis {n}
catalogue saleVerkauf {m} nach Katalog
catalogue valueKatalogwert {m}
libr. publ. catalogue volumeKatalogband {m}
catalogue warehouseKataloglager {n} [Lager für Kataloge]
central catalogueGesamtkatalog {m}
classified cataloguesystematischer Katalog {m}
libr. collection catalogueSammlungskatalog {m}
colour catalogue [Br.]Farbkatalog {m}
complete catalogueGesamtkatalog {m}
complete cataloguevollständiger Katalog {m}
geol. earthquake catalogueErdbebenkatalog {m}
educ. examination cataloguePrüfstoffverzeichnis {n}
art publ. exhibition catalogueAusstellungskatalog {m}
comm. exhibition catalogue [trade fair]Messekatalog {m}
comm. fair catalogueMessekatalog {m}
festival catalogueFestivalkatalog {m}
full catalogueGesamtkatalog {m}
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A 2023-04-15: +IV catalogue, inventory+
Q 2019-05-06: back catalogue
A 2018-10-27: CoF - Catalogue of Life, siehe Vernakularname
A 2017-12-20: Later on, the catalogue was incorporated in two software projects which we...
Q 2017-05-16: catalogue translation
A 2012-07-16: personal catalogue
A 2011-10-07: It's a catalogue entry, colours and styles are always listed last here, so...
A 2011-07-23: http://www.lab-shop.co.uk/extended-catalogue-1770/labshop-douche-undine-85...
A 2011-01-12: In the catalogue.
A 2010-05-26: I chose IKEA because of their online catalogue not for any design reasons :-))
A 2010-04-03: jener = the first person who wrote down the names, the originator of the c...
Q 2010-02-04: Find in our catalogue?
A 2009-09-04: i translated a whole catalogue on keys once, and the people said surely i ...
A 2009-06-24: Catalogue
A 2009-06-10: http://www.taschen.com/pages/de/catalogue/film/all.3.htm (unten auf der Seite)
A 2009-05-17: 'Image' does not work as a photo caption or listing in a catalogue.
A 2009-01-23: +catalogue price+ would refer to dinky toys
Q 2008-12-15: in a catalogue
A 2008-11-28: Is the catalogue dated "May 7", or the advertisement?
A 2008-09-03: Aussprache: http://www.howjsay.com/ http://www.ldoceonline.com/ http://...

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catalogue card
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catalogue distributor
catalogue drawer
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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